How to Be Financially Free with Real Estate Investing

By August 25, 2017 March 4th, 2021 Real Estate Investing Blog

How many of you are stuck in your boring day job, wishing you had more money, more control, and more freedom? You make just enough money to stay there but you’re never really getting ahead, financially or career-wise.
Who wants that for the rest of their lives?
Not many people I know…
We dream of making enough money to save for retirement while still being able to enjoy life right now. We dream of working for ourselves and having more time for family and friends. Stop dreaming and take action to make it a reality.
Real estate investing has the power to set you financially free. It’s one of the few businesses that you can start at while at your normal job and your previous experience doesn’t matter.
You could be a teacher.
You could be a dentist.
You could be an electrician.
This industry doesn’t care about your resume. It cares about your work ethic and your ability to get leads coming in and deals done.
Mike Hambright, founder of, worked white collar jobs in the electronics industry before diving into real estate investing. The last company he had been with before real estate investing was a startup that filed for bankruptcy. He was left with a newborn at home and had some tough decisions to make.
Real estate investing, for Mike, was his way out of Corporate America and his answer to financial freedom. He went from having no job to having 40+ rental properties and hundreds of deals closed over the past 10 years. He now has a team to help run the business smoothly so that he isn’t spending more than 10 hours a week buying houses.
It’s crazy to think that he can make more money on 1 deal, than he would make in 1 month in Corporate America.
Watch: Our Upcoming Webinar “How to Achieve Financial Freedom through Real Estate Investing, without Taking Crazy Risks”
He quickly learned that in order to be successful in real estate investing and consistently bring in profits, a system was needed.
A blueprint of sorts.
Figuring out the proper steps needed from sending out mailers to closing a deal took some time and effort, but Mike perfected it.
Without a system in place, many investors never get solid footing and give up before they ever really get started. They run into a roadblock and they don’t know what to do, so they throw in the towel.
The thing about this business is that once you get a few deals done, it becomes second nature and scaling becomes easy. It’s those first few deals that are the hardest to get through.
With step-by-step guidance from a mentor, you can minimize the learning curve and start doing deals faster than if on your own.
This means more money in your pocket.
This means leaving your day job sooner.
And finally, financial freedom will be within reach.
In an upcoming webinar, Mike is sharing some of his secrets on how to become a successful real estate investor. With real life case studies and an explanation of what’s working for our business today, you don’t want to miss out! Register your seat now as seats are limited!

Hannah Alley

Hannah Alley

I'm the operations manager here at and have a passion for real estate investing and have a background in writing and business. I focus on providing content that is aimed for newer real estate investors and those who have the drive to become a full-time real estate investor. With so many strategies to utilize within the real estate investing industry, I aim to break down any barriers and showcase that real estate investing is obtainable and can truly bring financial freedom.

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