SMS messaging is a hot marketing strategy at the moment for real estate investors. It’s affordable and has high open rates because let’s be honest, we’re always on our phones and always checking our messages. What we’ve realized from talking to other investors is that many of us aren’t entirely sure how our messaging should start out. 

Here are a few tips from Aaron Pimpis of Launch Control, one of the leading SMS platforms out there for real estate investors right now. 

  • Keep it short, yet personal
    • Act as if you’re writing to someone you know. Spelling/punctuation does not need to be perfect! Errors that you might commonly make in normal texts show you’re a real person. Use humor and build rapport with them. Emojis are even fine to use (while still being professional). 
  • Let the conversation progress naturally
    • If they’re providing long, drawn-out responses, they might be comfortable switching the conversation to a phone call. If they’re keeping their answers short and to the point, you can continue texting without issue normally. Mirror the seller and focus on nurturing the relationship.
  • Don’t give up on negative responses
    • These can be some of your best leads because no one else is working them! Find common ground with them. If they’re getting a lot of these text messages, let them know you are too (if you are a landlord) and you’re just trying to get a few more rentals. This can help break down the barrier. 

  • Don’t give a price range offer
    • Get them on the phone instead and let them know you have a few more questions. Ask them to give you a virtual tour and then you’ll provide an offer later in the day. Giving them a range can be a deal killer. 
  • Think of when people have time to text
    • Aaron suggests 11:30 am-12:30 pm, 4:30 pm-8:30 pm on weekdays and 10:00 am-12:00 pm on Saturdays. Don’t text on Sundays or holidays. If you’re texting to out of state owners, adjust for their timezone if possible. 
  • Follow-up based on their interest level
    • Hotter leads need quicker text message responses compared to a cold lead. Regardless, provide multiple touches and nurture the relationship over time. Other competitors might only text 1x-2x and the money is in the follow-up! 

Texting can be a lucrative marketing strategy if done correctly. Have someone ready to respond and prioritize your follow-up based on how hot the leads are. Be personable and build rapport any time you can. 

Listen to Aaron’s presentation from our New Year Freedom event for free! Some of the top investors in our network came together and provided excellent knowledge for you to watch for free! From Trevor Mauch to John Martinez to Todd Swaggerty and more… don’t miss out!

Hannah Alley

Hannah Alley

I'm the operations manager here at and have a passion for real estate investing and have a background in writing and business. I focus on providing content that is aimed for newer real estate investors and those who have the drive to become a full-time real estate investor. With so many strategies to utilize within the real estate investing industry, I aim to break down any barriers and showcase that real estate investing is obtainable and can truly bring financial freedom.

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