Welcome back to the show! I’m really excited to have my buddy Clay Rockwood here with us today and I’m excited to talk about this topic because I think about this a lot. As I transition through my life, I used to work a lot harder. It’s not that I don’t work hard now, but it’s in a different way than I did in the past. You get in this business to not have to work as hard as you do initially. Wholesaling is a great way to get started. Sometimes, if you position it right, it’s a great way to transition you to wealth building and other things which is exactly what Clay has done.

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[00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show. I’m really excited to talk about this topic today, because I think about this a lot. Um, as a transition through my life is that I used to work. A lot harder. Not that I don’t work hard now, but in a different way than I do. Now, you get in this business to not have to work as hard as you do.

Initially wholesaling is a great way to get started. Sometimes if you position it, right, it’s a great way to transition you to wealth building and other things, which is exactly what clay has done. And that’s what we’re going to talk about today. Professional real estate investors know that it’s not really about the real estate. That real estate is just a vehicle of freedom. A group of over a hundred of a nation’s leading real estate investors from across the country. Meet several times a year at the investor fuel real estate mastermind to share ideas on how to strengthen each other’s businesses, but also to come together as friends.

And builds more [00:01:00] fulfilling lives for all of those around us on today’s show, we’re going to continue our conversations of fueling our businesses and our lives. I’m glad you’re here.

Hey Clay, welcome to the show.

Clay: [00:01:19] Thanks Mike. Appreciate it. And I’m actually happy to be here

Mike: [00:01:23] to be here and excited to talk about this topic, because I think there’s a lot of you and I were talking about this a little bit upfront. There’s a lot of people that get started in real estate investing and a lot in wholesaling because it’s one of the paths of least resistance, but they just end up in this transactional route that they never get out of, which ultimately is just a job, right.

And, uh, you guys have built something pretty amazing doing a hundred plus deals a year and able to start buying multi-family and doing other things to build wealth now, which is really what everybody, if you, if you kind of talk to every real estate investor that was brand new, and you say, well, point to what you want, they would say, that’s what I want.

I want what you guys are doing honestly. Right. And so [00:02:00] I’m excited to share your story and hopefully some lessons with folks. That’ll give them some new direction.

Clay: [00:02:04] Maybe today. Yeah, likewise. I hopefully, you know what I share can help someone else out.

Mike: [00:02:10] Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. So talk about a little bit about yourself for anybody that may not know who you are yet, uh, share your, share your backstory a little bit.

Clay: [00:02:17] Great. Yeah. So, um, I’m born and raised here in salt Lake city, Utah. That’s where I live currently. Um, my real estate journey really started, you know, over a decade ago, back in 2012 or sorry, 20. 2008. Really? I got into the, I got my license in 2008 and literally the worst time you could possibly get into real estate.

And I had a lot of friends and family make sure that was very clear. Um, but I, I plugged away, you know, I just started as an agent kind of similar. Pat that a lot of people I’ve talked to have started that, you know, like I want to get into real estate, I’ll get my license, I’ll start there and kind of figure it out.

Right. So that’s what I did. You know, when a few years representing clients eventually was interested in flipping homes. Cause that’s, you know, I saw all these people making money, flipping homes. I thought, Oh, that’d be cool. [00:03:00] So me and my brother and my dad partnered up, um, started flipping homes about eight years ago.

And. You know, we were buying most of our deals from wholesalers, right. So guys that would go out market, find the deal, and then we’d pay them a ton of money up front and they’d really didn’t have any risk or, you know, didn’t have any overhead or anything like that. So after, you know, being in the business of flipping for a few years, I, I started just kinda calculating what these wholesalers were making.

And it was crazy. It was more than I was making, flipping the homes, right? Like we were putting all the time, the money, the risk effort in to flip these homes where these wholesalers were just killing it. So. I started thinking, you know, especially as the market was heating up and getting more competitive, I was like, I want to go source my own deals.

I don’t want to be dependent on someone else to find me deals. So that’s when I started looking into wholesaling, kind of heard the term, uh, eventually signed up for a coaching program, you know, it kind of bit the bullet. And, um, honestly it just took off from there. Um, yeah, so, yeah. So since then, you know, I’ve partnered with someone we’ve, we’ve done, [00:04:00] uh, the last three years we’ve been doing wholesaling full-time and again, this year we’re, we’re going to do over a hundred, uh, wholesale deals as well as adding in over a hundred rental properties to our portfolio.

So we can kind of. Dig into that more, but that’s the essence of that’s

Mike: [00:04:14] great. And I’m guessing along the line, you found a new appreciation of how much work wholesalers actually do, right?

Clay: [00:04:20] Definitely. Definitely.

Mike: [00:04:22] Well, that’s a common thing. A lot of rehabbers will be like, you know, I’m doing all the work and you’re making all the money.

It’s like, well, there’s a little more to it.

Clay: [00:04:28] Yeah. I mean, in essence, you a marketing and sales company. Right, right. I mean, that’s what wholesalers are. They do a ton of marketing. They have a good sales portion, but yeah, I mean, we found too that there is a way to actually make that a sustainable automated business too.

And we can go into that

Mike: [00:04:42] as well. Yeah. Let’s talk about that. Cause I think I’m where a lot of people get stuck is they, you know, I think we’re a lot of people get stuck is they compare what they’re making. So what their job was before. So if you left the job and you’re making like 50,000 a year and you’re like, well, now I make $50,000 in some months.

So [00:05:00] again, some months you make zero. And so it’s just this, and then you have expenses, right? And next thing you know, it’s like, well, maybe you’re making three X, what you made in that job. But some people just get. I’m comfortable with that. They’re like, well, this is more than I weigh more than I used to make, but they don’t, it’s still a job, right.

They can’t take a vacation, somebody gets sick, God forbid, um, there’s issues there and it’s not, they, they’re not relying upon a team now to have that team put those systems in place and all that you have to grow because you need more, you know, even more revenue to pay those expenses. Versus I’ll talk, I’ll talk about your kind of journey because you guys grew really fast.

And a lot of that was through putting in place a team.

Clay: [00:05:38] Yeah, well, yeah, and I think it goes back to at least for me. And I think a lot of people that I talked to or that have the same sentiment is that I, I, I mean, I was making great money being an agent, you know, at my peak, I was probably making 200,000 plus a year just being a real estate agent, which is, I mean, relatively good money, but I’ll tell you this.

I was miserable. Yeah, I was working [00:06:00] nights, weekends, you know, as we, as our family was growing, I was spending less and less time with my kids. My wife, to me, the dollar amount didn’t matter. Right. It was the peace of mind and the lifestyle that I was looking for. So. So I was chasing the lifestyle, right? I wanted to be free of that job.

Like I was still, I was still a slave to my clients. And even in the flipping world, at least for me, we never really built a sustainable, automated flipping business. It was still me going out hustling to find the deals, you know, picking out tile carpet, dealing with the insurance, the hard money, you know, I mean, there’s still a lot that goes into it.

So even when I was making good money flipping, it was still a job. Right. So when I got into wholesaling, it really changed my mindset, especially after I did my first deal where we can talk about this, but I made $85,000 on one of my first wholesale deals. And that really changed my mind because I saw the opportunity to really build a business that I could step away from.

So when we got into wholesaling, me and my business partner, we [00:07:00] intentionally from day, one said, we don’t want to just make this another job. We want to make this a business where we build a team, we build systems and processes so that we can literally step away and it’s taken three years to get there.

But today I am completely 100% hands off from our wholesaling business. I mean, I literally get emails from closings that are happening of properties. I’ve never even seen. I don’t even know the address and we’re just collecting checks. Right. So. That’s the that’s the end that’s but it’s taken a lot to get there.

Like you said, there’s a lot of embassy in between steps, but I think you have to approach it with the mentality of, do I want another job or do I want to run a business?

Mike: [00:07:38] Yeah. And I think for a lot of people, and I don’t mean this in a condescending way to anybody listening it’s at the end of the day, it’s.

It’s relatively simple math to figure out how to get there. Now it’s easier said than done to go from here to here, you got to bridge this kind of, you got to cross the chasm, right. Is a, as they say, but you have this gap to fill in and it, and I think if you’re not intentional about it, [00:08:00] it just won’t happen.

Like you, like, you might be like, Oh, I need to hire somebody. I need to do something, but you just don’t get to it. And if you kind of lay out the math and say, well, Here’s my average margin. Here’s what I have to spend in advertising on average to get a deal. And if I layer in an admin, a salesperson, here’s, you know, here’s how much that expense is going to cost.

And, you know, you can just start to kind of start to plan out like, well, here’s how I’m going to grow myself out of a position. Right. I mean, is that similar to what you guys

Clay: [00:08:26] did? Yeah, definitely. I mean, it really is, like you said, it’s actually more simple once you break it down, especially number-wise. So when you start looking at, you know, obviously you gotta do a few deals before you can start tracking this, but, um, we started looking at, okay, how many people do I have to talk to, to get a deal, right?

Like when you start tracking that and you say, Holy cow, I have to talk to 30 people. To get one deal or whatever the number is. Right. Then it becomes easier to think. Well, if I just talk to 30 people, then I’ll get a deal. Right. It’s not this big overwhelming daunting thing. Like I have to [00:09:00] know everything.

I don’t know, but no, it’s literally like you break it down like that. It becomes so much more achievable right. Than this big vague thing. So yeah, I think honestly, you know, it’s, it’s easy to just get started in a very simple way. Like you said, you kind of add layers as you, as you build and grow right.

Mike: [00:09:17] Yeah. Yeah. And I think I was talking to somebody yesterday that I actually was similar. Somebody who’s an investor fuel as well, similar to, you know, different from you, but has a pretty significant, um, uh, realtor business. And, um, also has a whole bunch of rentals and it was kind of like, do I give this up?

Cause he really doesn’t do a lot of wholesaling and it’s like, but you know, he, even, he kind of said, well, should I, you know, he’s. Making pretty good money. So I was like, should I just take some money and invest in a team so that I can just transition a lot faster? He’s in a position to do that. Not a lot of people are, um, for those that are, you know, you’ve got to have.

The resources to pay people, right? You have to have a business that’s big enough to, or [00:10:00] have some other business that’s subsidizing this while you get it up and going. I mean, can you talk a little bit about how you guys, what are some of the first kind of positions you filled to start building your team out?

I think that’s a common question. What’s a common question is it’s usually like, do I put an admin in place first or do I put a, uh, Acquisitions manager in place first, but maybe talk about your thoughts of how people should think about where to fill in the gaps first.

Clay: [00:10:23] Yeah. Great, great question. So for us, obviously from day one, we were doing everything right.

We were doing the marketing, we were doing the followups, the disposition side, selling the deal, everything. And I think that’s important because you need to learn and understand what those roles are. But again, from day one, Uh, let’s say we, we were doing marketing, right? So from day one, we literally, if I was going to go today and pull a list, send direct mail or do some cold calling, we’d literally literally start writing out what we were doing.

Right. So almost like creating a, an operations manual. [00:11:00] Yep. So anything you’re doing in your business start writing it out, right? So that’s the first step in being able to replace yourself and train someone else. So our first hire, honestly, it was just a VA like the guy that helped us, um, with simple marketing, like he, he would, uh, he’d order the direct mail with.

So it’s just one little thing that can be taken off your plate at a time is, is huge. Right? So we just hired a VA. You know, again, we had a step-by-step process. Here’s how you order direct mail. Here’s how you pull a list, do this every week, you know? Um, so it started there and then honestly our second hire was an acquisition manager and the beauty about that.

So stepping back to the VA, I mean, we’re paying four or $5 an hour, right? So it was very doable for someone to front that money, even if it’s a part-time VA, right. It’s not a ton of overhead. And then when we hired our first acquisition manager, again, it was, uh, it was scary. Not because we were going to be paying them a lot because they’re a hundred percent commission.

So that’s the other beauty is that we hired someone a hundred percent commission. So if they didn’t perform, we didn’t pay them. But [00:12:00] at the same time, it’s scary to bring someone on that’s depending on you for their income. Right? So that’s, I think the mental leap that a lot of people are, are stuck with

Mike: [00:12:10] is you’re on them.

You’re dependent, you’re dependent upon them perform, right. Because, you know, well, I can close one out of 30 or whatever. Like what if they’re one out of 50? Like we’re in trouble, not in trouble, but you know, you just, you’re both. I think that is a, an important thing to consider for a lot of people is. Do you need to create these relationships where you’re both important to each other, like you guys are you’re in this, you’re going to sink or swim together one way or another, right?


Clay: [00:12:36] Yeah. So there’s risks. And, and, and I would say, like, to your point, there’s definitely a loss of efficiency at least perceived, because I think we were also prideful thinking we’re the best at what we do. Right, right. But the second you can get over that. And, and, and I’ve, I’ve, I mean, I’ll be the first one to admit I’m not the best at negotiating or talking to sellers.

That’s why we hire people that are way better at that. So once you can realize that, Hey, I can bring someone [00:13:00] in that’s much better at me than doing this thing or that I don’t like doing. That’s when it will free you up for your time and your mind. So, yeah, honestly, that’s like the first step. If, if, if someone that’s just starting out can get to that point.

Can at least hire somebody to take over some of the menial tasks, you know, data entry lists, pulling marketing, stuff like that, and then hiring an acquisition person to kind of help you make the phone calls, do the followup that alone will just free your time and your energy. And it will really start to give you a taste in your mouth of like, Holy cow, I can.

I can do this, right. I can, I can keep adding to this team. And it’s a, it’s a ball that just keeps rolling, you know,

Mike: [00:13:38] and I think one thing that helps too, when you’re talking about acquisitions, uh, folks that are commission-based typically is that, um, you know, a lot of people start off like, well, I’m just gonna hire an acquisitions manager in, in their mind, like, well, I don’t have to pay them if they don’t perform, but if you don’t create an opportunity, that’s big enough for them to make a decent compensation.

Like, let’s just say that, you know, you’re doing a deal a [00:14:00] month and they make. Like two grand of that. Like, are you gonna find a killer salesperson? That’s going to like, take your business to the next level and you’re paying them $24,000 a year. Like, no. Right. So there’s no chance of that. You’re going to find a horrible person.

If they accept that you should not want to hire the person that will accept that. Right. But a lot of times they don’t really know. So the important thing is, is like, okay, well I think if you kind of back into this is like, how much do they need to make. And, you know, how much should they expect to make whatever?

And I want to find a way for them to make that or more, and then use their goals to back into year ago. I mean, you still have your goals, right. But maybe it just means you need to ultimately add a second acquisition person. But you know, if you are by design, not advertising enough for them to be excited about their opportunity, then you’re not going to hit your goals either.

Clay: [00:14:49] Exactly. Yeah. And I think it’s easier to, as, like I said, as you go along or as you have a better track record, I mean, that was the hard thing for us. I mean, from day one, we didn’t hire an acquisition [00:15:00] manager. It took us, you know, six months or so, because we wanted to be able to prove that, Hey, we can really do this.

And when we brought someone in to interview, we could literally show them, you know, cause they were doubting it too. They’re like, Also mean, does this really work? Why would someone sell you their property for under market value? That makes no sense. I mean, that’s literally like the first question people ask, right?

Like why would anyone do that? You know? And when, so if they don’t believe it, you have to show them that no, this works and let’s show you, we’ve done, you know, X amount of deals. Here’s how much we’ve made on these deals. And here’s how much you would make if you were working those deals. So it is hard. I think you have to get people over the hurdle of believing.

Yeah. Even your, even yourself. I mean, that was honestly from day one. Honestly, the hardest hurdle for me was believing in myself that I could actually do it. I remember walking away from, I went to a wholesaling seminar early on. Like I signed up for this coaching program, went to the seminar and I was still doubting, like, if this even worked and I remember leaving there and literally the whole ride home, I just [00:16:00] repeat it to myself.

Like I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. So it’s a lot of just changing your mindset and believing that you can, because if you don’t believe it, it’s not going to happen. But once you get that first check, you start believing, right? Like I said, when I got that $85,000 check that changed my whole life.

And that was the most I’d ever made in one deal by far. Right. So I saw that Holy cow, on one transaction, I can make 85 grand. Like if, if any other, if I can do it. Anyone else can do it. And I’m not that smart of a person. Right. So, yeah, it’s just, it’s getting your mindset in the right place and believing that it’s possible.

Mike: [00:16:39] Yep. No doubt. So you guys have kind of a as your business moves forward here, I know you’re focused a lot more on doing some multifamily deals, doing some bigger deals and being able to keep rentals. Cause I think that’s another regret that a lot of people that purely focused on wholesaling get to is they realize you’re on this transactional kind of hamster wheel.

Of maybe you made 85 K on a deal. Maybe it was [00:17:00] eight K on a deal. Like it’s everything in between. Right. But once that deal is sold, you never get another penny and you got to go out and find the next one to find the next one, find the next one. And it’s a great business for sure. But it, I think a lot of people look back and they say, I wish I had invested in things that would pay me over and over again.

Right. Or have the ability to build longterm wealth. So can I talk about how you transitioned, uh, from that standpoint?

Clay: [00:17:23] Yeah. Well, I would say early on in my career is when I kind of had this epiphany of, of buying rentals because I was surrounded by other, you know, very influential and successful real estate agents.

Now, these guys are driving the nicest, Beemers the nicest cars you can imagine, but they’re still living month to month because of their overhead. Right. And I would ask everyone in my office, literally, I would ask guys, Hey, how many rentals do you own? And these people that are doing hundreds of transactions a year, I would say, I don’t know, in any rentals, I don’t, I don’t own any real estate yet.

That’s what they do full time. So it was this kind of weird dichotomy in my mind that how are these people? Exactly, you [00:18:00] know, millions of dollars in real estate don’t even own real estate. It’s the weirdest thing to me. So that’s okay. You know, what made me think? Like, I don’t want to be like those guys. I don’t want to be driving the fancy cars and living paycheck to paycheck.

I want to. Build passive income. That’s gonna, you know, pay for my car in the future. Right. So early on, I mean, I think I bought my first rental in 2011, no little triplex, me and my wife bought and lived in and kind of house hacked. Um, and then it just, it lit the fire in me. I saw the potential for, you know, long-term appreciation, um, you know, cashflow monthly cashflow along with, you know, as, as we built our whole selling company, as we’re making more and more money, you know, once that tax bill comes.

Then it hits the fan, right? It’s like, Holy cow, I made all this money, but half of it’s going back to the government. So through, you know, buying rentals through different tax strategies of accelerated depreciation, I mean, I’m literally able to offset all of that and not pay any taxes. Right. So for me, real estate just provides so many opportunities for longterm growth or wealth.

[00:19:00] Um, Tax advantages, you know, passive income, all that stuff. So that’s kind of where I started and it’s just kind of built from there. Yeah.

Mike: [00:19:07] And it allows you to kind of cherry pick your deal. See, right. I mean, I use that from these earlier, I think is, um, and I, I I’m, um, I guess w even if you’re rehabbing too, you can kind of cherry pick your dose.

So I always kind of saw like, Hey, yeah, I, I never identified with being a wholesaler when I’ve wholesaled hundreds of properties, but it was just like, I catch stuff in my net and then I take the best ones out and I keep them as a rental if they fit or I rehab them and everything else I wholesale. And so everybody has their own strategies.

But if you just look at your business as to say, Hey, I am, I’m a wholesaler in the sense that I want to buy everything at a wholesale price. And then I’m going to decide what to do with those things. Is that how you guys look at your

Clay: [00:19:44] business? Exactly. Yep. So same thing. Yeah. We just, literally, every deal we look at and we say, is this a deal we’d want to keep long-term or not?

If it is, we keep it. If not, we sell it, you know? So yeah. It gives you the opportunity to find off market opportunities that you are in control of. You know, that’s the problem. [00:20:00] If, if you’re just an investor looking for a great deal on the market, like good luck. Know, you’re going to be paying full market value.

You’re going to be competing against hundreds of other people on the MLS. So again, wholesaling to me is a vehicle and we have a mantra here is just wholesaling to wealth building. That’s really what it is. Our wholesaling company just fuels our wealth building. And so like you said, yeah, we just, cherry pick deals.

We get, you know, through relationships, through other, um, networking, we just get all these off market deals and we specifically focus on multi-family just because that’s what we know. And like, but you know, I know people that just buy single families and crush it on that. Right. So whatever or office buildings, you know?

So, I mean, there’s so many different. Ways you can go with it. But to me, the most important thing is just buy real estate, buy real estate.

Mike: [00:20:46] We started to move into multi-family over the past couple of years and in some syndications and some development deals and some other bigger deals, but for you, Y Y uh, I know, I know why we do multi-channel, but why, why have you transitioned into more multi-family for your, the wealth building?


[00:21:00] Clay: [00:21:00] honestly, it’s because it’s what I know best. Really right. Like, I don’t understand warehouse or industrial it’s it’s I mean, I can learn it

Mike: [00:21:10] there a single family, I guess.

Clay: [00:21:11] Oh, okay. Yeah. I think, um, for me it was all just a safer bet. And, uh, and at least in my market, the, the appreciation happens much more in multi-family than it does in single families.

You know? And I was always just scared of, Hey, if I have a tenant that moves out, I’m getting zero income on a single family. Whereas if I have a fourplex and one tenant moves out, I still get three people paying rent. Right. So it’s just the risk w felt a little more comfortable for us. And honestly, Once you get into the bigger multi-family financing becomes much easier, right?

If you’re going to try and find out single families over and over, it can be, there’s a lot of restrictions there with conventional lending and things like that. So we’ve just found it’s just much, much easier to scale a multi-family business than it is a single family.

Mike: [00:21:55] Yep. Yeah, no doubt. And I think from a, there’s a lot of efficiencies from a management [00:22:00] standpoint and all that as well.

Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. Well, and you’re not at the mercy of, uh, of kind of the value of the property as a retail sale, right? Like you can, you can move some needles, get the rents up and really create tremendous value just through

Clay: [00:22:16] leverage. Right. Totally. Yeah, that’s a great point. That’s honestly what, that’s, what we focus on.

So we don’t do develop mints or anything. We typically buy value, add properties of properties that need a ton. We go in and fix them up, raise the rents. And literally you’re in control of the value of that asset. I mean, I know that if I can rent each unit for X amount, that the value is going to be X it’s not dependent on comparable sales, it’s just dependent on the income that we’re producing.

So it’s much easier to. I guess predict and know what the value is going to be based off what you can do to it and what you can rent it for where single is different yet it’s based off comps and appraiser can go both ways. Right?

Mike: [00:22:52] So. Yeah. Yeah. Clay, any, any words of wisdom? I know there’s people that watch this show that are professional real estate [00:23:00] investors already, and there’s probably some new, new folks that watch it.

Any kind of words of wisdom for people that are, let’s just say they’re actively doing deals already, but they’re still kind of stuck in that grind and they haven’t scaled it up the way that you guys have any kind of words of wisdom to share.

Clay: [00:23:14] Yeah. I think honestly, I think getting a mentor and a coach is huge.

I mean, that’s really where I started. That’s what propelled me into this. Cause I, I literally remember laying down in bed and I was like sweating. Like I was like about to click pay, like it was like five grand for this mentor program and I’d never done anything like that. I was always just figured out on my own going YouTube, whatever, you know, figured out.

But I was literally sweating and almost in tears, like, can I do this? Like, can I pay this money for a mentor and a coach? And I’m so grateful I did. So I would say some of that’s struggling that may not have all the answers go find a program. I mean, there’s. There’s thousands out there. Um, I mean, there’s, there’s good mentors that can help the coach coach you through this, but I would start there.

And then again, going back to the mindset, you just [00:24:00] have to believe that you can do it. I think we limit ourselves with our self limiting beliefs that I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy. Why, why should I be blessed when others aren’t, you know, like once I changed my, my mindset to have an abundance mindset that, Hey, we’re all deserving of an abundant life and believing that it’s possible.

So I would, I would say. Once you can change your mindset and, and really, um, dedicate yourself to doing something by hiring a coach or a mentor. That’s when things are, things are going to change.

Mike: [00:24:29] Yup. And then I think for those that are, once you get your business to a certain level, it shifts a little bit more to just surrounding yourself with the right people.

You guys are a member of investor fuel have been big givers and kind of sharing what you do with all other members. And, uh, w would you mind just kind of quickly sharing a quick testimonial on you guys have been investor field for a little while now? Um, just a quick little testimonial of the group.

Clay: [00:24:50] Oh yeah.

Um, I think joining investor fuel is one of the best things we ever did and honestly, It’s amazing. But when you, when you [00:25:00] surround yourself with other like-minded people, people that are doing things that you are doing or that you want to do in a amazing what it does for you, it pushes you to new levels.

And again, it breaks the barrier of that next level mindset, right? It’s like, I’m thinking, Oh, I, you know, I want to do 10 deals a year. Like that would blow my mind. Well, what’s your surrounding people that are doing a hundred deals a year. It just automatically raises that bar to be like, well, I want to do a hundred deals a year, you know, and I’m going to figure out a way to do it.

So that’s what investor fuel has done for us. Honestly, sitting next to, and working with people that are doing those things is, is really helped us. And honestly, It’s just such a go giver mentality. They’re like everyone’s opening up their businesses. They’re wanting to help and share. Um, so yeah, I can’t say enough.

Good things about investor fuel. Like what you’ve created is, is amazing. And I, I truly value our time where we get to network, you know, give back and help others and, and learn from others in the, in the group. So, honestly, this is the only mastermind we’re a part of. [00:26:00] Like it’s, it’s been that life changing for us.

It’s it’s amazing. So, yeah.

Mike: [00:26:05] Appreciate that. Appreciate that. And it’s true. Truthfully comes down to, you know, there’s this culture that we’ve created, but it’s taken on a life of its own. I think for guys like you to come in and you have so much to give sharing that with other people and you, you know, you’re a part of our online community, so it’s not uncommon for people to say, Hey, Has anybody ever dealt with this before?

What do you do with this? And people are like, yeah, call me, let’s set up a time to talk. Let’s I’ll kind of walk you through it. It’s not just like, here’s a link to something and it’s like, here’s how I use or here’s how I, here’s how I got over it or let’s talk about it or whatever. Right. Cause I think, you know, people that are in the group tend to get a lot and they feel this, you know, this, uh, this law of reciprocity to like give a lot.

And the more you give, I think the more you get, uh, generally, so appreciate that you guys are a part of that.

Clay: [00:26:46] Yeah, of course. Thank you.

Mike: [00:26:48] Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Well, clay, if folks wanted to reach out to you guys, you guys are doing some amazing things. I’ll connect with you in any way on social media. Like where’s some areas they can go to connect with you.

Clay: [00:26:57] Yeah. I mean, I, I post a ton on, on [00:27:00] Facebook and Instagram at clay Rockwood and you can find me, um, I was posting different deals. We’re doing how we’re structuring things. So that’s a great resource. And obviously our website, Utah house buyers.com. Um, you can always find us there as well. Awesome. We’ll

Mike: [00:27:14] add the links down below in the show notes for everybody to reach you.

And so appreciate you sharing your story with us today. It’s pretty, pretty impressive. Honestly, you guys have done a lot in a shorter period of time, so it’s really going to be a treat to kind of watch where you go from here.

Clay: [00:27:28] Well, thanks, Mike. I appreciate it. And I look up to you as a, as a mentor and friend.

So thank you for letting me be here,

Mike: [00:27:33] whereas yeah, so everybody hope you got some good value from the show here. You should know, you know, if you kind of follow it in the, in the footprints of what clay and his partner, Brian have done amazing things, and you’re really limited by your own beliefs. Like you said, if you think small, you’re going to stay small, but if you kind of surround yourself with the right people and.

Follow a proven path and really kind of believe in yourself. You can build something pretty amazing here. So appreciate you guys joining us today. We’ll see you on the next.

[00:28:00] Are you an active real estate investor? If so, and you want to latch onto the power of surrounding yourself with over a hundred of the nation’s

Clay: [00:28:09] leading

Mike: [00:28:10] real estate investors. All committed to building stronger businesses and living richer fuller lives. You should jump on a call with us to learn more about investor fuel.

Simply visit investor fuel.com to get started. .


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