Show Summary

Jason Wojo joins to share how to create a plan to leave your job for real estate investing. This methodical exercise may help you build up confidence and an actionable plan to take the leap, and give you the runway you need to be successful. Then, we dive into the importance of building multiple streams of revenue, and how to strategically go about it.

Highlights of this show

  • Meet Jason Wojo, real estate investor, coach, REI Club owner and body builder!
  • Learn the 5 steps to quit your job for real estate investing.
  • Join the conversation about the importance to build multiple streams of income, and the smart way to get it done.

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FlipNerd Show Transcript:

Mike: Hey, everyone. It’s Mike Hambright with Thanks for joining us for this episode of the Expert Interview Show, where I interview leaders and entrepreneurs from across the real estate investing industry.

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But today’s episode, though, episode number 291, I’m here with Dr. Jason Wojo. Jason is a real estate investor. He’s a coach. He is the owner of a real estate club. He’s a muscle man and a whole lot more. So, hey, Jason. How are you, my friend?

Jason: Hey, thanks for having me, Mike.

Mike: Yeah. Glad to have you back and good to see you. So I never am able to introduce people as good as they can introduce themselves. So tell us a little bit more about you.

Jason: Well, I’ll tell you, I was like most people where I thought that having a job was the key to a successful life. So I went all out in that because, of course, the way to get a successful job is to get a great degree. In my case, I decided to go overboard and being the overachiever I am, decided to get four degrees. Two bachelor’s, a master’s and a PhD later and I realized this is not what I expected. This isn’t what I wanted. A job is nothing but some golden handcuffs and I’ve got to figure out a way out. After that first job after grad school, I went into real estate and I haven’t looked back since. It’s been about six years now.

Mike: So what was your PhD in again? Refresh my memory.

Jason: Immunology.

Mike: Immunology. Wow.

Jason: Yeah. You’re like, “What? Okay.” Yeah. So it’s the study of the immune system. I do nothing with it now. But what it does is it helps me learn how to think and analyze things and research and it’s been valuable.

Mike: Yeah. Awesome. For everybody on the show, today we’re going to . . . if you’ve been following us along here in 2016 so far, I can’t believe it’s 2016, by the way, but we break the show into two parts. So the first part, we’re going to talk about steps to quit your job. Jason is going to share some information with us and maybe he has a book coming up soon as well. It may be a few months out, but we’ll give a real early sneak peek of some things that are going to be in the book there.

And then in part two is our taking action segment and we’re going to talk about building multiple streams of income. It’s something that Jason’s done, something that I’ve done, something that’s really important to do as a real estate investor as markets shift and you need to have some security by having multiple streams of income. So let’s get this thig started. So, Jason, let’s dive into some steps to quit your job.

Jason: I’ll tell you, Mike, most of us find ourselves in jobs for whatever reason because it’s easy, because we have to get a paycheck coming in, because our parents wanted it for us, because it’s a family business, whatever it is. Whatever the reason, if you’re not passionate about your job, you shouldn’t be doing it. If you’re not loving waking up every single morning, you should be doing something different.

So I’ve put together a series of five steps that I think are absolutely critical in making that transition to being a full-time entrepreneur, real estate investor, whatever you want to be. Along with those steps, another thing that you’ve got to accept and realize is there’s a real mindset change that goes along with that. No longer are you working for time. You need now to suit all of your efforts towards profit. So let’s dive into those five steps because I know don’t want to run out of time.

Mike: Let’s do it.

Jason: Number one is you have to create a vision for what you want your life to look like. Everyone thinks that they know what they want their life to look like. When I put students to the test and have them write things down, it’s astounding how little they actually have given thought to this. Jim Roman said that most people spend more time planning a family vacation than they do their life and he was 100% right.

The reason this is important is because you have to set up your business right to help you live the life you want to live. If you want to become a full-time CEO of a large corporation and build a big business, your life will look very, very different than if you’re a solopreneur doing real estate investing, a half a dozen flips a year. Now, the next step is if you’re going to . . .

Mike: Real fast on that one, Jason, creating the vision. I know you’re part of the Lifeonaire system and we’ve talked to some other folks before. Talk a little bit about . . . a lot of people get stuck, even when they start to create a vision for what they want their day to look like or their week to look like, they still kind of get stuck in this 9:00 to 5:00. The workday still feels like 9:00 to 5:00. But that doesn’t have to be that way, right?

Jason: It absolutely doesn’t. You’d be amazed. What we have people do is the way we overcome this 9:00 to 5:00 mental mind shift block is we’ll have them pull out a calendar for a week, write in all the things they want to do, all the enjoyable things, whether it’s going to the gym, spending time with family, going for a bike ride, reading, whatever. When they’ve done that, now we look back and say, “Where are those blocks of time that are left open that you haven’t assigned to do something you want to do?”

Most times, we see students that have somewhere between 15 to 20 hours a week left for work. So now they recognize, “Hey, if I really want this life, I only can work 15 hours a week. How am I going to do that? What activities am I going to do that are going to generate the amount of money I need to sustain this lifestyle? That’s one thing that people have really had an aha moment and changing their mind to like “Hey, I don’t have to work from 9:00 to 5:00.”

We are programmed to work 9:00 to 5:00. I know you know this, Mike, but studies have been done to show that employees out for that eight-hour day probably work an average of two hours of real, focused work. So we are automatically trained to be unproductive.

Mike: Yeah. Jason, my team is right outside my office here. Hang on. I need to go check on them.

Jason: Okay.

Mike: I’m joking. I believe you. Facebook and lots of other distractions going on. Cool. Sorry, man, number two?

Jason: Number two is if you’re going to be a real estate investor or whatever it is, you need to learn that craft. For instance, someone who wants to be a real estate investor would do things like go over to They would find other reputable sources to learn this craft while they still have the job. You don’t want to quit and then figure out what you’re going to do.

You want to have a plan. This is one of the most basic steps to being good at anything. You wouldn’t not learn how to jump out of a plane before you’re going to go skydiving. You need to learn where the ripcord is. You need to learn how to . . . all these things.

So that’s the next step. This one is relatively simplistic: get out to REIAs, network with other successful people, find all the great resources and tools you can and take advantage of them. People have done this before. You don’t try to reinvent the wheel. That is the slowest and most painful and most expensive way to do it. People complain about buying real estate courses. Trust me, that’s the cheapest education you’re going to get versus making a mistake out in the real world. I’ve done it.

Mike: Absolutely. I think that’s one of the things that keep people from leaving their job. They’re fearful that they don’t know. They haven’t learned these things, but unless you take the time to do it on the side or kind of in parallel to your job, then you’re never going to have that confidence to leave. It’s a confidence thing. Once you start to learn what you’re doing, especially in real estate, you get so much more confident. When you’ve done like five or 10 deals versus zero, your confidence is through the roof, right?

Jason: That’s right. Before I quit my job, I had done three deals and I felt confident enough that okay, I’ve learned enough to go on my own. Am I going to make mistakes? Sure. But I needed to build the confidence. You can’t get confidence from a course or from a book. You have to do it. That’s where it really comes into play.

Mike: Awesome. So number three?

Jason: Number three is to get your finances in order. It’s going to be a whole lot harder for you to make this jump unless you’ve done some real foundational things. Number one . . . and also, I want to put out these are all temporary. They are not permanent. But while you make that shift, you want to set yourself up to win as much as possible.

Number one, you’ve got to cut expenses. Anything frivolous, anything that’s really just extravagant has got to go. Number two, you want to eliminate debt. I can’t tell you, looking back, of how much debt I have gotten myself in and had to dig myself out of foolishly and it really slowed down my progression and my transition into that full-time real estate position.

Number three, I really recommend that everybody has an emergency fund of at least three to six months of your living expenses. Now, of course, this plays into the other two things because when your expenses are lower, you need less per month. When your debt is lower, you have less debt service so you’re not paying tons of money on your credit cards. These are the three things, I think, that are important in getting those finances in order.

Mike: Yeah. I think sometimes I’ve seen people that if you’re married and you have a spouse that you could live off of one spouse’s income and people can take a little more risk when they’ve got that situation of another person in the family that can provide a little more runway than you’d have if it was just you, I guess.

Jason: That’s right. So a lot of people have a tendency to spend whatever they make. This is really a part of the process that you need to be disciplined about and really cut back. It’s been said before, “Live like no else now so you can live like no else later.”

Mike: Yeah.

Jason: That is exactly what we’re talking about here so that you can really make this as easy as possible.

Mike: Yeah. Awesome. That’s great information. Where are we at? Number four?

Jason: Number four is related to learning about real estate investing and we kind of already alluded to it. Get some experience. Do at least three deals. This is something that, like we already mentioned, you can’t learn it by a book or course by itself. You’ve got to put it into practical, real world use.

Mike: Yeah. What are some . . . so, obviously, we’re real estate investor-focused here. I know you coach a lot of people that are in other industries as well. Anything for those that are listening that are outside of real estate, which is probably just a few people here, that they should think of in terms of how to get experience outside of real estate?

Jason: It depends on the niche, but absolutely no matter what it is, you need to get your feet wet. You need to get into the pool. It’s not something you can get a course from Entrepreneur Magazine and then start a business. You really have to at least put some feelers out there. Say you have an idea for business. Start doing some real life beta testing on that to see if this is a viable idea. Is this thing going to be sustainable? Is it going to work?

Some of my students now are investing new ideas for businesses and they’re kind of just in the beta testing phase where they’re trying to determine feasibility. Is there a demand for this? Is there a market for it? Are they willing to pay for it and do you have the right target audience? These are all things you need to know.

You can project all day long, but eventually, you need to take that step and put some things into place to see as a pilot, is this useful. Tim Ferriss in the “The 4-Hour Workweek” talks about his . . . it’s almost like a fake ad where he puts out a product and, depending on the response he gets, he decides to actually create the product. That’s how he tests it.

There are all kinds of different ways to do this. You have to make sure it’s a viable thing. Real estate is real estate. You just find some deals and do a few deals. Other businesses, it’s a little more specific to the model with those common factors in place.

Mike: Yeah. Awesome. So what’s number five, my friend?

Jason: Number five is to quit. The best line I’ve seen in the past has been going into your, this is Chuck Bowman that said this, you go into your employer and you say, “I have an eye problem.” They say, “What do you mean?” He says, “I don’t see myself working here anymore.” And that’s it and you’re done. Five easy steps, Mike, that anybody can do. It’s a framework. It’s a system. It’s a formula. It’s something that I’ve seen work over and over again. It’s really deciding to take the steps.

None of these were done overnight. Typically, I see people taking somewhere, I’d say on average, it’s about a year, maybe less, maybe more depending on how aggressive you are, how much time you have, how serious you are. But give it a little time and set yourself up the right way. Now, both of us have heard so many success stories about people who quit cold turkey, no savings, no experience and still made it happen. That is certainly possible. It happens all the time. But if I were going to jump ship, I would want to know there’s a little dinghy waiting for me, not hope one comes along.

Mike: Absolutely. Talk a little bit, Jason, I’m trying to think of the excuses people make to not do these things. So a lot of times, people have a family. They have kids. I don’t want to say that those aren’t good excuses. Obviously, the bigger your family is, probably the more difficult it is to do these things.

Jason: Sure.

Mike: But it definitely gives you even more reason to become self-sufficient and do these things if that’s what you want. Talk about if you have . . . let me kind of rewind this. It’s pretty common for people to say, “I want to get into real estate investing,” and their family and friends to say, “You’re crazy. Why would do that?” “That market’s too hot now. The market is too bad.” Whatever cycle it’s in, it’s a bad time to do it. Just talk about how people can overcome those objections they may have in their own minds.

Jason: Well, first of all, you are going to be called crazy. People are going to think you’re nuts. Mike, up until last year, I’ve been self-employed for about six years, up until last year, my own mom would ask me when I’m getting a job. What we’ve got to realize is that those peoples’ perspectives and those people’s beliefs and values and how they see the world, that’s their opinion and they’re projecting that onto us. So they are the ones that need the security and they’re the ones that have this view of, “This is the way it works. This is the way it has to be,” which isn’t true. So you need to expect that.

A couple of things I’ve noticed that successful entrepreneurs have in common, this will help people overcome some of those things. You have to be comfortable with a degree of uncertainty. Uncertainty means there’s a little bit more variety in the potential obstacles or issues you may encounter. But here’s the irony with uncertainty, I have seen more people in this past year that have been laid off or fired from safe jobs than I have ever seen, which is really bizarre, even aside from 2008-2009. So the thing that seems safe and seems certain almost never is.

The truth is all you’re doing is taking responsibility for that uncertainty rather than letting somebody else make those decisions. When you can provide value to someone and you are able to convey and sell that value for a financial reward, now you are eliminating uncertainty. So, it’s one of these things that’s really ironic that people are scared of but the other way is just really burying your head in the sand.

A few other things, number two, you need to be a learner. You need to be somebody who’s coachable, someone who’s always thriving and trying to strive to grow, to always master their art, to expand their knowledge, all these things. You need to be persistent. I don’t know if I told you this, Mike. My first real estate deal took me 82 offers. I was ready to say, “You know what, this real estate stuff doesn’t work. It’s a bunch of bull.” I was coached to keep going. I finally popped that first one, made half my year’s salary on the first deal and that was the confidence I needed. It took me 10 years to win my first bodybuilding show. It took me seven years for my PhD. I’m a model of that guy that’s too stupid to stop. That’s the only reason I’ve been successful.

Mike: I have not won my first bodybuilding show, Jason.

Jason: You’re almost there.

Mike: To be fair, I’m not even working in that direction.

Jason: Okay. So you don’t have to worry about that one. So these are all things. Now, I’ll tell you, a lot of it is fear. One thing that has . . . and I understand having people being fearful because they have children and things like that. I get it. I totally get it. People are relying on you. But what I’ve seen is that sometimes that’s the biggest reason to succeed. So when you’re working 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. and you see your kids for the half-hour, hour a day and you’re missing out on their childhood, what’s more important to you? Are you willing to stick your neck out a little bit and take a calculated risk? This isn’t an uncalculated risk. It’s a calculated risk. Make some great changes for your life and your legacy.

Mike: Yeah. Awesome. So, Jason, it’s time to take action. Are you ready, my friend?

Jason: Let’s do it.

Mike: All right. We’re going to talk about multiple streams of income now. Go ahead and dive in.

Jason: Let me just say I’m a huge fan of multiple streams of income. With that being said, there’s really a caveat to all this. Those multiple streams, in my opinion, ideally are all related. They’re all stemming off of that same basin so that you’re not pursuing six completely different businesses. That is doomed to fail, in my experience, and I’ve tried it in every way possible and I haven’t gotten it to work.

The only way it works is when you’re really just the money guy and you’re just giving some basic information, knowledge and oversight. But if you’re going to make us part of your own wheelhouse, some things that you’re going to be intimately involved with and making decisions, I really think it helps for them to be related.

So the question I always get is how do you determine which streams of income to pursue. First of all, I want to say that you should never start with multiple streams. You should always start with a single stream of income first, get that one optimized, get it working, get it producing, making money and then go to the other ones.

Here’s a classic mistake, Mike. Just use an analogy. You have five beakers, like little scientific beakers back in a lab and you have your big Erlenmeyer flask and you get to pour this water out of each beaker. Now, each of those five different beakers represents one of your multiple streams of income. So you can do 10% over here, 20% over here, 30%, whatever those ratios are. But you’re not really getting a significant amount of energy, time, commitment into any single one of them.

Now, here’s the irony. Each of those beakers has a minimum threshold of activity or productivity, I should say, that will make it profitable. If you don’t reach that level, that threshold, you could spend all that 100% of effort in these five different beakers and none of them will make you money. So you’ve really got to focus on that first on singularly, exclusively at a time, at the beginning, get it producing money and then let the other ones come after that. Here’s what happens. I’ve done this myself. You have five things going.

Mike: I think I’m doing it myself, Jason. So I’m listening closely.

Jason: I still struggle with it.

Mike: Teach me, oh great one.

Jason: Now, tell me if this is right. So this is a cycle that most people’s minds go through, that okay, listen, it’s really ironic. You spread out all your effort over five different fields, streams of income, whatever you want to call it. None of them are making you money because you haven’t put enough effort into it. Now, the mentality goes like, “Well, gosh, I’m not making money with any of these. I need to try and start another one and maybe that will work. So now you get diluted even more.

If we were only to focus on that one thing, it would allow us to make money, which then produces the excess for us to start work in on the other things. It’s really a fear thing. You don’t get something rolling and you feel like you have to do another one. “This isn’t working either. Let me try this. Let me try this.” All of a sudden, you have a dozen things that you’re doing terribly at all of them. I’ve been there. I still struggle with this. I am the classic, shiny object syndrome entrepreneur and I have to pull myself back constantly like, “Whoa, whoa, whoa . . . ” So, we need to work on that first.

And identifying which of these niches you should go into, it could be real estate. It could be some sort of small business. Who knows? Maybe you want to start a plumbing company. It doesn’t matter what it is. A few things I’ve found really helpful in determining that specific niche, number one, look at what you enjoy and what you’re passionate about. The truth is, you will never ever be great or exceptional at anything you don’t enjoy.

I was a scientist. My PhD, I realized very early that . . . I still wanted to get my PhD so I continued, but I realized early that I was not that guy to go home and dream about experiments and theories and hypotheses and figure out different experiments for the next day that I couldn’t wait to jump out of bed and do the next day. But guess what? It was the guy who did that who was going to be successful. That was the guy who was going to make the breakthrough.

So go for something that you really feel called to do and that you really enjoy. I think we all have this. It may be something that you even think is not possible to make an income from. Look at Tony Hawk, a skateboarder, or any of these guys. Things that we don’t think you’d make money at.

Whatever it is, you can make money at it. You just have to figure out that niche and figure out how to tweak it. Who knows? Maybe it’s an information product or something like that. The point is to find something you’re passionate about. That’s the first thing.

The second one is, along with that passion, let’s be realistic here. You need to have skills at it. You need to be good at it. You need to be talented. You could love drawing, but you could look like a fifth grader that sniffed too much glue. So you need to have the actual skills to do this. And oftentimes, luckily, these intersect so there’s somewhat of an overlap so that the things you’re passionate about, you’re good at and then you’re good at them because you enjoy doing them so you get better and better and better because you do it so much.

At one point, this is almost obsessive, but I enjoy playing guitar so much. There were times in college where I was playing eight hours a day, guitar. I had no social life, clearly. But I enjoyed it. I got good at it. This is something that, luckily for us, will really help us in choosing which of these niches we should go to.

The third one is to look at the resources you have. The resources I’m a little bit less strict with because resources can be developed and gained, whether it’s time, money, connections, those kinds of things. Those are more facilitators, I would say, rather than determinants. They can facilitate your entry into a particular business versus determining whether or not you should go into it. So those can be developed a little bit, but those first two I really think are important to look at.

Mike: Yeah. So, let’s talk a little bit about some examples here. When people hear multiple streams of income and they’re in the real estate space, the first thing that comes to my mind is rental property. So earning a rental property so you’ve got some income. Let me just say it’s because of the word streams. If it’s streams, then it’s probably something that is . . . I’m never the guy that says that rental properties are passive because I know they’re not really passive. They’re somewhat passive, but they can also be not passive at all.

Talk about some examples. Obviously, you can be a realtor. You can be coaching. You can have a property management business. There are other things you can do. Like you said, I think a lot of real estate folks have a bunch of things they bolt on to wherever they started and they’re all kind of in the same vein, but maybe give some scenarios that are typical and maybe some that aren’t typical that people are listening to this and thinking, “I never thought of that.”

Jason: So, I’ll give you an example. This is my story and the things I’m doing right now. So, I started off with flipping. So from flipping, that’s one stream of income. Then from there, I also have my broker’s license. So that helps me, for instance, when I make an offer, now I’m getting the commission on that. When I’m selling my house, I’m listing it and saving that money. I’ve also had friends, and I don’t advertise at all, I’m not looking to be a realtor, but if I had some friends that I knew would be easy clients, I’ll set them up for an automatic MLS search or I’ll list their house. That’s another stream of income.

From the flipping stuff, I got pretty good at it and I’ve done quite a bit of it so I’m like, “Okay. Now, what’s next?” I have started teaching other people and coaching people for real estate investing. Then I thought, “Well, I’m teaching people and stuff too. I can probably do this on a bigger scale.” So I started a REIA.

So right there, we have flipping, we have coaching and we have the REIA. The real estate brokerage stuff is still, like I said earlier, tangentially related to that. So it’s not a completely different niche. I’ve done consulting for people that want to now fix up their house, just going out for a fee and then telling them what I think they need to fix. Also, the flipping experience has helped my realtor experience because I look at a house and say, “Hey, man, you’re going to have to fix this if you really want to appeal to buyers,” and things like that. So those are all kinds of examples.

Information marketing could come off of coaching. That’s the same information, just on different platforms. So you can start to see how all of these things spider web out from that central place.

Another thing I see quite frequently with investors is you mentioned rentals. So you might have a flipper who is going to do three or four flips and then go buy a rental property free and clear. So that’s a model that’s been really established and does well. From the flipping, if you’re a rehabber, you’re essentially a wholesaler as well. You could start wholesaling property. So right there is a half-dozen all off of that one single thing and they all kind of expand from there.

Mike: Yeah. The interesting thing about doing things in the same vein in real estate, let’s say, specifically, is some of those work better in other markets than others. So basically, as the market shifts, you may shift strategies and say, “Hey, I’m going to focus on this right now. I’m going to lean into my rental properties and maybe get more into property management or whatever it might be.

I’ve seen people that have been in this business for a lot longer than me and it’s taken me time to realize that when the market shifts, they just shift out of something and they start leaning into something else that works and they know, “Hey, when the market comes back, I’m going to go do this again.” It’s something you ebb and flow and you almost know strategically what do I do in an up or down market, let’s say.

Jason: That’s a huge, huge point. I’m glad you brought that up. One of the things there that I hope people grasp is that by having these multiple streams, you already have that thing working so that when things do change, you’re poised and ready to go. It’s not like the market changes and all of a sudden you have to learn a brand new model and switch everything over and convert. You’ve already got it running and you simply move your resources and your time over to that thing that is working.

Mike: So what else is . . . we’ve got a little more time here, Jason. What else can we talk about to add value to folks that are listening? Anything else on multiple streams of income you want to cover?

Jason: A couple other things with multiple streams of income is I really want to emphasize having that one thing first allows . . . so here’s the other thing that I see. Income, when you first make that transition into . . . I don’t care if it’s one stream of income or other ones. Not usually, sometimes it is if you’re a rental property, but it’s not usually continuous. You have ups and downs. That’s another benefit of having those multiple streams. Some are working good at one point and some aren’t. It’s a constant ebb and flow. But giving yourself the time to get some money and some profits rolling in will give you a whole lot of headroom to figure out where to go next.

We’ve all been in situations when money is not coming in. You go into survival mode. When survival mode kicks in, you cannot think straight, you’re panicking, you’re pulling your hair out, you’re stressed, you’re not using your most creative abilities like you could. So you’ve really got to make sure you stay ahead of that ball before you get there.

Mike: I’ve seen personally, once you get to a point to where you have income that’s coming in from something you can rely on to where you’re not worried about, “Can I eat? Can I feed my family? Can I do all these things? Can I cover my living costs?” Once you get above that point, you have this opportunity to try things and test stuff and invest in stuff, invest in yourself, things that may or may not stick, but you’re not going to get wiped out if they don’t stick, right?

Jason: Absolutely. And along those lines, always be . . . for instance, I’m doing a lot of public speaking now. I recently got into the National Speakers Association and I’m doing speaking and that kind of stuff. I realized that by taking the ballpoint pen technology to deodorant, that’s a metaphor, by taking things outside the regular niche of what that specific thing is, you’re able to get new ideas and expand and build that business in a very unique way.

I’ll give you an example. I’m doing this public speaking. So I’ve taken acting classes. I’ve taken improv classes. I’m in the middle of a standup comedy training class. It is so painful. You have no idea. I’m not funny. But it’s really stretching me. When you’re taking all the stuff and these things and putting them together into one thing, it really is quite powerful and you’ll really get good at it and take things from different angles as well.

Mike: That’s awesome. Well, Jason, we haven’t shared this yet. If folks wanted to learn more about you or what you’ve got going on, where should they go?

Jason: The best place is to go to Also, I’d love for you guys to find me on Facebook. You can just search Jason Wojo. That’s my professional page. If you want the private page or the regular friends page where I don’t share business stuff, it’s just Jason Wojciechowski, but nobody can spell it, let alone pronounce it, so usually don’t give that one out. But I’d say the website is the best or Facebook.

Mike: Awesome.

Jason: If people have any questions, I’d love to help and share and do whatever I can. So much has been given to me and, Mike, you give to so many people. It’s that spirit of giving that helps people reach that next level.

Mike: Awesome. Thanks for your time. Thanks for sharing your information. I’m sure we’ll be talking again soon, my friend.

Jason: Thanks, Mike.

Mike: Have a good day.

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