What’s Up Freedom Fighters!
I’m Mike Hambright from FlipNerd.com, and this is episode #444
This is a very special episode for a couple of reasons:
1st – This is our 5 year anniversary of FlipNerd.com! 5 Years ago at this time I started this very show, which was the beginning of FlipNerd.com.
Over the past 5 years, FlipNerd.com has blossomed into SO much more than just a podcast! We have over 100,000 followers that consume our content, a world class real estate investing coaching program, and the fastest growing real estate investing mastermind on the planet, which you can learn about at InvestorFuel.com.
We’re blessed to have attracted and have built relationships with so many awesome people and entrepreneurs…and together, we’ve created a life changing MOVEMENT….for those willing to work hard and FIGHT for FREEDOM (via real estate investing).
The 2nd reason this episode is so special is that this very show is changing, as of right now. After this episode, we’ll be sharing our Top 10 Episodes of 2018 with you for the next couple of weeks….and when we return…you’ll see a completely revamped show.
Going forward, we’ll be called the “Real Estate Investing Secrets” show, by FlipNerd.com of course.
So…we’ll have a new look and feel…but if you’re currently subscribed to us…it’ll be the same podcast feeds and YouTube Channel.
In fact, if you’re not subscribed to us on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play, YouTube or anywhere else you might consume our content…please take a moment and do that right now!
After doing 444 episodes for 5 years, I get more joy from knowing that we’ve changed lives from literally MILLIONS of downloads and views…and feedback on how we’ve impacted you is the FUEL that drives me forward.
Our RELAUNCH as the “Real Estate Investing Secrets” show will be more powerful than ever, and we’ll focus on bring you more real world case studies, stories from the trenches and actionable content aimed at helping you build a successful real estate investing business.
Truth be told, as we speak here right now…this is the first show I’ve ever recorded without another person that I’m interviewing!
While I’ll still have great guests on the show, you’ll see a lot more of just me…sharing my knowledge from doing hundreds of personal deals and being involved in thousands of deals through those I coach and mentor.
You’ll also see us at FlipNerd doing more live content and sharing even more awesome content across social media.
I’m excited for the future, and excited to deliver tremendous value to you!
If you’d like to learn more about what is truly the best real estate investor coaching program on the planet, please visit FlipNerd.com/coaching
To learn more about our Investor Fuel real estate investor mastermind, our rapidly growing family of over 100 of America’s top real estate investors, please visit InvestorFuel.com
Let’s start 2019 with a BANG…and keep fighting for FREEDOM!
Happy Holidays…Happy New Year…see you again soon!

Resources and Links from this show:

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