Flip Tip Summary

Not sure what Stabilized Portfolio’s of rental properties are? It’s an opportunity born from the demand of rental properties as an asset class, more readily available financing and the mind of Own America CEO Greg Rand. Check out this VIP Flip Tip!

Flip Tip Transcript:

Mike Hammer: Hey. It’s Mike Hammer from Flicknerd.com, and we have a quick VIP tip to share with you from Greg Rand, the CEO of Own America, who’s going to talk to us about building stabilized rental portfolios.
Greg Rand: All right. Thanks. Stabilized rental portfolios, what is that? That is monetized housing. It’s a collecting of homes that an investor has painstakingly assembled, fixed up, leased up, and then brought it to a degree of performance that can be known and depended on by somebody’s who’s buying it. We’re in the business of brokering those stabilized portfolios, and we see a massive audience of potential investors who want to buy those stabilized and are willing to pay premium price for them because of how transparent and understood they are. Now, the key here is that, until about a year ago, you could not get financing to assemble a stabilized portfolio. You can now.
Until about a year ago or even a few months ago, you couldn’t get crowd funding. The combination of crowd funding for real estate deals, which is hot as a pistol right now, look into it, and the availability of new debt options to build stabilized portfolios, those two pieces of the puzzle have never been there. And the marketing channel on how to reach the exit has never been there. If you find yourself looking for a new angle, a new twist, a new specialty as a real estate entrepreneur, become a master of crowd funding, become a master of what debt instruments exist that didn’t exist before and build stabilized portfolios for sale.
Announcer: Thank you for joining us for another Flipnerd flip tip.
We’d like to thank our sponsors, RealtyMogul.com and National Real Estate Insurance Group.
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Mike: Please note the views and opinions expressed by the individuals in this program do not necessarily reflect those of FlipNerd.com or any of its partners, advertisers or affiliates. Please consult professionals before making any investment or tax decisions, as real estate investing can be risky.



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