Today’s REI Classroom Lesson

Ever wonder who’s your buyer for a piece of raw land? Mark Podolsky lists different types of buyers that are specifically looking for raw land deals!

REI Classroom Summary

With low competition and large groups of people looking to buy on a retail level, Mark explains that he’s never been stuck with a piece of land that wouldn’t sell.

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Real Estate Investing Classroom Show Transcripts:

Mike: Welcome back to the REI Classroom, where experts from across the real estate investing industry teach you quick lessons to take your business to the next level. And now, let’s meet today’s expert host.
Mark: Hey, it’s Mark Podolsky, The Land Geek, with, and the proud host of REI Classroom. So every single day I get potential land investors asking me, “Mark, I can see how you can buy raw land, pennies on the dollar.”
Mike: This REI Classroom real estate lesson is sponsored by FlipNerd’s private investor coaching program, and your blueprint to investing success.
Mark: It’s this huge market. It’s this non-competitive niche. I go into an REI meeting, and if there’s a 100 people there, 99 of them are house flippers, or wholesalers. I’d be the only land person, but who the heck is going to buy this raw land from me?
So, here’s an example, I’ve been doing this full-time since 2001. I’ve done 5,000 land flips. I’ve never been stuck with a piece of raw land. The people that buy raw land are people that grew up hearing from the parents it’s really important to own land.
There is a lust for land in this country. In fact, if you even just go on Facebook groups, or LinkedIn groups, there are whole groups dedicated to buying raw land. There are websites devoted just to buying raw land. There’s There’s There’s There’s There’s land, land, land everywhere. It’s a massive market.
I don’t know if you ever heard about these little thing called Preppers, but there’s millions of them. A Prepper is someone that’s hoping for the best, preparing for the worst. And they need a place to bug out to, and that place to bug out to is typically raw land.
The military, can you imagine you’re overseas for maybe a tour in the Middle East and you come back to the United States? Well, you want your own little private 40-acre, or 5-acre parcel where you can do whatever you want on it. No one’s telling you what to do. Clean air, fresh air, and you are actually trained to survive in these areas, and it’s great.
Another big market for raw land is people that don’t like people. Right? They want to go somewhere outside the city, and they want to be in the more rural area.
Another market for it. Are going to be what we call legacy investors. So everyone’s heard the story about someone who’s bought raw land in the path of growth, and 10 to 15 years later they became a multimillionaire selling out to developers. The typical raw land investing scenario, it looks like a hockey stick. So, it’s real flat, and then all of sudden development comes, and boom. Old Jed is a millionaire. That’s not what we typically do, but those people that you’re buying from might want to be hockey stick legacy investors. It is a massive market, and really when you think about it, relatively few people are in it.
So those are the people that typically buy raw land, and trust me when I say you’ll never get stuck with this asset because if you buy any asset, I don’t care what it is, 20 to 30 cents on the dollar, there’s someone on the other end of that deal because you can even price it irresistibly as well.
So if you want to learn more, just got to We’ll geek out on this. I’ll show you step by step how to find the best raw land buyers. Thanks so much.
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