Flip Tip Summary

Great tip from Tom Berry on how to tenant proof a house. Need to minimize the turnover costs on your rental properties? Consider the materials you’re using. Don’t miss this FlipNerd Expert Tip..where Tom shares more.

Flip Tip Transcript:

Mike: Hey, it’s Mike Hambright from FlipNerd.com and we have a quick expert tip to share with you from Tom Barry who’s going to share a tip on how to tenant-proof a house.
Announcer: This expert tip is sponsored by RealityMogul.com, B2R Finance, and AceBusinessFunding.com.
Tom: All right. Well, I get asked this a lot of times, “How do you keep your tenants from messing up your carpet?” Every time they move out you’ve got to in and replace the carpet. My answer to that is, “Don’t put carpet in your houses if you’re going to rent them.” It’s part of what I call a “Tenant-Proofing Package,” and we do this in every house that we . . . every apartment unit as well that we rent. We’ll go through and anytime it needs new floor covering, we’re going to replace that floor covering with something other than carpet.
One of those things might be vinyl plank flooring which looks very attractive in a mid-range apartment. We might even use 12 x 12 vinyl tile in a lower end, or you might even use ceramic tile. I’ve done houses from end to end with ceramic tile, and in Texas that works very well.
So those are some tips on tenant-proofing a house. We have lots of other tips that I’d love to share with you over time. I think that’s the biggest one that people miss is the floor covering and it’s also one of the biggest expenses.
Mike: We’d like to thank Colony American Finance, National Real Estate Insurance Group, and VirtualStaffNow.com.
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