Many successful real estate investors crank for years to achieve success, only to wake up and realize they’ve lost some of the very reasons they wanted to achieve freedom in the first…
Kevin Ramirez is only 22 years old, and already doing 2-3 deals per month. He started investing when he was just 18 years old. He’s wise beyond his years, but has a…
Mitch Stephen is probably the leading expert in America on Owner Financing homes, which he’s done more than 1500 times…but to achieve that level of volume, he’s had to learn how to…
John Martinez, founder of Peak Performance Advisors, a training platform for sales people. There’s no doubt that investors can buy more houses by following a proven sales system or process.
Joakim Mortensen from Colony American, a large national lender that just surpassed more than $2Billion in loans. Financing is the key to growth for every real estate investor, and today, we talk…
Tom Wheelwright is the nation's leading tax advisor for real estate investors, and is actually the Rich Dad Advisor to Robert Kiyosaki. Tom is not only a great guy, he’s extremely knowledgeable…
Ben Rao, founder of Community Buying Group is my guest. Ben has grown is material buying COOP for real estate investors from himself in the garage of a rental property to 19…
Iris Veneracion is an active investor, but also inspires women (and men) to successfully invest in real estate through her club. Like me, she’s a Corporate Refugee, and puts a lot of…