Flip Tip Summary

Pete Asmus is here to share a great tip on why people do business with people they like or want to be like. Bottom line…the more likeable and inspiring you are, the more opportunities you’ll attract. Check it out, only on FlipNerd.com

Flip Tip Transcript:

Mike: Hey, it’s Mike Hambright from FlipNerd.com and we have a quick VIP tip to share with you from Pete Asmus, who’s going to share a tip on why people do business with people they like or want to be like.

Pete: Hey guys, this is Pete Asmus and I wanted to share this tip with you because I think it’s really important for people to understand. A lot of times we go through our daily business, we go through our daily life and we’re not focused on who we are. We are a billboard. You’re a billboard. Everything you do is basically selling you as a brand.

What does that mean? That means that everybody does business with people that they like as a person or people that they want to be like. Nobody does business with the guy that’s beating his wife down the street, right? Do you hunt that type of person out? No, because we don’t want to be associated with it.

Start looking at everything you do with, “Do people want to be associated with me? Do people like the types of things that I’m doing, or am I offending and pushing people away?” If you want more opportunities, become an opportunity magnet. Be somebody that everybody likes or they want to be like, because when you’re in that zone, you, my friend, are unstoppable.

Announcer: Thanks for joining us for another FlipNerd.com Flip Tip. To access hundreds of tips and full expert interviews, please visit FlipNerd.com or join us in the iTunes store.

We’d like to thank our sponsors, RealtyMogul.com and National Real Estate Insurance Group.

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Mike: Please note the views and opinions expressed by the individuals in this program do not necessarily reflect those of FlipNerd.com or any of its partners, advertisers or affiliates. Please consult professionals before making any investment or tax decisions, as real estate investing can be risky.



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