What’s up, everyone! Hey, I’m Mike Hambright from FlipNerd.com and I recently hosted an online event for members of my Professional Real Estate Investor Facebook Group, which you can access by visiting FlipNerd.com/professional. It’s only for professionals, not the new folks. I wanted to shares this amazing event that we call the freedom series with eight industry legends. Today’s episode is with Jerry Green.

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[00:00:00] Mike: [00:00:00] What’s up everyone. Hey Mike, Cambray from flipnerd.com. I recently hosted an online event for members of my professional real estate investor Facebook group, which you can access by visiting flipper.com/professional. It’s only for professionals, not new folks, but wanted to share this with everybody. And today I wanted to share, um, this amazing event that we call the freedom series with eight industry legends today’s episode is with.

Jerry Green. Uh, so next up we have mr. Jerry Green and Jerry, I’m going to ask you the second one, but, um, you know, Gary, I’ll tell you guys, Jerry is, has, has a really scaled up business. He’s not involved all that much in the day to day, the one 15, 20, 25 deals a month. They’re doing it for a couple of decades or more long time.

And so we’re going to be talking about scale. This will be a treat for you guys that are on, uh, That are on the scale up, uh, standpoint. So make sure you got your questions ready for Jerry as we kind of get started here. So Jerry, great to [00:01:00] see you, buddy. Hey, I lost your audio. Is your audio just went, uh, it’s super light.


sounds like that. Microphone.

Jerry: [00:01:28] What about now?

Mike: [00:01:29] Oh yeah. That’s a lot better.

Jerry: [00:01:31] Is that better?

Mike: [00:01:32] You were still talking to that microphone. It was just sitting on the side of you. It was still, that was cool, buddy. How are you?

Jerry: [00:01:38] I’m good. I’m good. Lisa. I’m not in black and white now.

Mike: [00:01:41] Right? We’ve got Jerry Green in color, my friends. So awesome.

Well, Jerry, we’re going to get rolling here. Um, appreciate you joining us always great to talk a little bit about what freedom means to you. Specifically.

Jerry: [00:01:55] Okay, cool. I was thinking about this too, Mike, and, um, when, [00:02:00] um, you know, he had, um, for me to just think about these different questions here and no I’d say in resting on that, it’s not, I started thinking about it.

Yeah. One of the things that, um, I think is so the plastic, but such a big deal is one is just be able to think on my own. And live in a country that allows me to choose the duty. Okay. To me, that’s a big deal because I think about this, like what’s interesting. I’ve been watching a show with my, uh, one of my oldest sons and, um, it’s a, uh, series on HBO actually about.

Um, Chernobyl, uh, where they have the, you know, remember that the meltdown back in April. And what’s interesting on that. I was just looking at, and I was watching that and I actually watched another episode last night with my mom, with my son. I was thinking, I said, my gosh, I said, of [00:03:00] how much they control things and how, I mean, to the point where the people doing really have the right to have their own thinking.

Okay. And what a freedom too, how removed from you? I mean, to the point where those people couldn’t even decide if they were going to be sick or not okay. From the radiation. So I think about that and I think, Oh my gosh, that’s, that’s, that’s huge. So I think to me a big, big thing is this the, the, to really, you know, have the freedom to be able to think here on our own.

Live in a country that allows us to, you know, really have that ability to choose what we want to do versus being in a position where we’re totally dictated over. Okay. And I think that to me, and this is just a huge thing there, Mike.

Mike: [00:03:54] Yeah, no doubt. No doubt. I, I look back and that’s a common thread. You’re the third person that joined us today.

A common thread of people saying [00:04:00] that, you know, Roddy joined us up front and he’s like, I have the freedom to fail. Right. Which is, and it’s an interesting way to put it, but I know you agree with me is like, Yeah. You know, if you can see the list of the failures we’ve made to get where we are, we had the ability to do that, and we had the freedom to choose that.

And we didn’t have, we weren’t told exactly what to do now. I will say for the early part of my life, I largely was told what I do. I followed a path that I thought is what you’re supposed to do. Right. But then you get to a point to where. That didn’t work for me anymore. And when I found real estate investing and had some success, then it was, then I could see the vision and now it’s like, okay, I’m all in on this because I finally have control over my financial future, my time, my family’s future.


Jerry: [00:04:43] Yep. I love it now. I think it’s, I don’t know. I just, you know, I, I couldn’t, I started thinking about this last night. I could just give any type of general answer, but I just really thought about that. And I thought, man, I just. Really hits me. And, uh, yeah, because people, [00:05:00] I think what here’s, what’s, I think it’s really sad that we see a lot out there, Mike, and you, and you know what I’m talking about on this.

And especially, you know, somebody that’s been in business for awhile like yourself, like, you know, myself and others out there is so many people are caught up into this thinking. Uh, that they can’t grow, they can’t do things. And it’s, and to me, that’s one of the biggest free, uh, loss of freedoms there is that they can’t,

Mike: [00:05:28] I would say a lot of real estate, you know, we’re not calling anybody out, probably some people that are watching right now that are in this group that are still, you know, like probably making more money than you did when you were in a job.

You have more control over your life, but you’re still very much in the job. Like if you leave or you travel or you get some, God forbid, somebody gets sick, any of that thing, any of those things, your business stops or hits a wall. Right. And I know I’ve been there before. I know you were there before Jerry.

We all were. You had to go through that. That exercise of saying, this is, this is not what I signed [00:06:00] up for. This is not what I want. And you just forget, I just heard April say it too. She was like, I was successful. I had a six figure profit business, but by most standards I was successful, but I, I didn’t feel that way.

Like I felt like I was stuck. Right. And that’s what we’re talking. You’ve got to talk, talk a little about your business. You’ve got a scaled up business. I know that. Your business is very different now than it used to be. So help us kinda out the roadmap of like how,

Jerry: [00:06:24] and obviously now, you know, Mike has, as you know, very well as we’ve, um, I I’m at the point now where actively on the, on the real estate side, um, no more than two or three hours a week, max in the business.

Um, Ashley, my COO really runs the, uh, operational side of things. Um, and. You know, I mean, I, this is something it took me years to get there and it tickled, um, many years of, uh, as we talked about it, a lot of them, the steaks and, and kept jumping in and jumping in, in areas [00:07:00] that I shouldn’t be in. But what we’ve been able to do now is, you know, they’re, they’re doing multiple deals.

I think. I think this month, uh, finishing up the month, um, I’ve got to look at the KPIs and stuff. I look at those every morning on things. That’s generally my biggest extent, uh, being involved with a business besides a weekly meeting, going deeper on things and then a financial meeting too. But other than that, I think the numbers, I think they had somewhere in the neighborhood of 35.

36 in the pipeline for this month.

Mike: [00:07:31] So 35 deals this month. That’s amazing.

Jerry: [00:07:34] Now granted my call, those aren’t going to close next month. But the thing is, is our goal is if we can close out 15 to 20 of those consistently, that’s what we’d like to see.

Mike: [00:07:46] That’s great. That’s great. Yeah. I mean, I know a lot of you listen to this right now.

Have, uh, maybe a hard time understanding how to get to that point. And it’s not easy. It doesn’t come without a lot of struggle and a lot of strife, but I think, you know, maybe Jerry, you can [00:08:00] talk to. Some of the people that are watching right now, or that are gonna watch this later, that are in the group about those that are doing, you know, two, three, four deals a month.

And they can’t quite see the vision to get from that to what you just said of 15 to 20 deals a month. And somebody else is running the day to day business. Like, and I know it’s not like a, I mean, this isn’t a, this isn’t a 20 minute conversation either, but try to, in a short period of time, try to summarize like how.

To at least get people excited about seeing that vision of how they can have

Jerry: [00:08:29] that. No, I think the biggest thing, um, I look at a Mike and if you don’t mind, I’ll, I’ll kind of go down. So the second question a little bit is, is that okay? Um, because I, when I started looking at the second question, it says, you know, based on your experience, what, how do more people get more freedom, uh, you know, in their lives?

And this, I think ties in with the whole thing of this, what you were talking about too, with the business. And when I look at, as most people are control freaks. [00:09:00] Okay. What happens is you have to 100% change your thinking. Uh, before you do anything else in regards to growth in this business, that’s right.

The first thing you, first of all, you have to realize that you’re potentially at that control freak, you have to decide to change your business, but it starts with this thinking. I, I always go back to a time when. I heard a gentleman speaking and it was, um, it was like, you know, with Tony Robins that we’re all familiar with and had grabbed me by the head and said, Jerry, if you don’t change this, nothing will change.

Okay. And I said, well, you’re exactly right on that. So we have to change our thinking and the thinking has to be, you can’t look at grinding every day. To be the answer. Okay. And, um, one thing I, I, I wrote it down here. Um, Mike, that I think is [00:10:00] a good share for everybody to try drivers and drainers. And before,

Mike: [00:10:07] yeah, go ahead and tell us, tell us everybody else.


Jerry: [00:10:10] this is something I, I have my own team. Do I have students I work with to do this, but I have them do a list. Uh, everything that drives them for a period of five days and everything that drains them for a period of five days. Okay. So you just basically take these, the little worksheets you jot them down.

And if you like, I I’ll be glad to share those with you. You can share it and this little group or something like that already pre done, uh, papers, but all they do is jot down. Basically for five days, what drives them and also what drains them. And I think to me, that’s one of the starting points is to figure out all this crap is clogging you up.

Because once we can figure that out, then we can start accomplishing really what we want, because most people, what they try to do is go out and [00:11:00] accomplish the big thing. I’m going to go after 10, 15 deals a month. But the problem is their thinking is caught up thinking, think about this, Mike, this is important is their identity is stuck at two to three deals a month, but they’re trying to go after 10 to 15 deals a month.

It’ll never work. Hmm. Okay.

Mike: [00:11:20] What do you mean by their identity? Like how they self identify or,

Jerry: [00:11:23] yeah, they identify themselves as a two to three deal person or company. And they never put themselves in a position where they look at them, they talk about it and they want, and they say they want it, but they addendum.

What happens is their identity is down here and they’re going after this. Well, the thing is they don’t match. Okay. And that’s, that’s where people run into. And I can tell you on that brother. I’d done that for years now. It’s a big problem.

Mike: [00:11:57] Yeah, I know for a fact, I know a [00:12:00] bunch of stuff that I do. I’m totally in the way we have a business.

Now, our agency model, uh, the investment machine, uh, got my shirt on here, investor machine. We have a COO in that business and he is rocking it. And the truth is, is like, I’m like, Oh my God. Like, I don’t, he’s just going so much faster than what we could or I could on my own.

Jerry: [00:12:19] I know what you mean. Like I’m out of the way

Mike: [00:12:20] now I’m out of the way now the truth is we hired a guy that has no real estate investing experience and he doesn’t, he doesn’t have these preconceived notions about how.

Things should work, which I do. Right. So it was like, once I like eliminate that and I’m like, just do it and, you know, tell me if you have any problems. And it’s just amazing. The difference that’s made. I know you have a COO too. And so, um, maybe share, uh, for the first time, let me ask, let me ask those that are watching a question.

So just chat in here, what you think you’re. Roadblock is on. And by the way, I want to say this to you. I don’t think everybody’s right. The goal is always like units. Shouldn’t be a goal because if you’re, if your profit on them, Three grand versus 30 grand, like who cares [00:13:00] about units? Right? You can’t put units in the bank.

Uh, and the goal, obviously for a lot of people is not even money for the sake of money. I think Jerry would say the same thing. It’s not like Jerry’s trying to get a nicer house or a better cars. Like he just wants the freedom that, that provides him, the tool that, that money can be to grow impact lives.

Do other things, would you agree with that, Jerry? You’re not this isn’t like, you just want more at your mattress, right? I mean, it’s like you, it’s a tool, right?

Jerry: [00:13:24] That is. I know, I agree with you on that, Mike. Totally. I, you know, one thing that I, I enjoy now more than anything is really what this, ultimately, when you build a team and you build it, right, there’s nothing better than giving back and supporting your own team.

Mike: [00:13:43] Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I want to say it’s a tool it’s like, you, you can’t have a COO in your business if you can’t afford them. Right. And so sometimes that, that, that decision, not, not sometimes every time that decision to scale up is, is it’ll give you the resources ultimately. That’s why [00:14:00] you do it as it give, it can give you the resources to, uh, to run your business without you.

Jerry: [00:14:05] Yeah. And ultimately, here’s the interesting thing, Mike is. People always say me and why I don’t want to be doing that much business. Well, I’m like, I’m thinking I look back, I work less in the business doing that volume that I did when I was doing three or four deals, grinding myself.

Mike: [00:14:24] Right.

Jerry: [00:14:25] Total different ball game, total different.

Mike: [00:14:29] Yep. Yep. A chat, a couple questions in here. What you have about scaling up in your business. So, uh, Jerry, talk about you, you work with a lot of real estate investors. You’re a member of our investor fuel mastermind. You’ve been around a lot of people you’ve been around for a long time, still a super young guy.

Let’s kind of make that clear. Yeah. But what’s the difference that you see between the investor that is still very much self employed, might financially be way better off than when they had a job before, but still kind of. Stuck in the [00:15:00] self-employed, uh, realm versus those that are, and I know you talked a bit about mindset, but maybe there’s some other things about scaling up and being able to kind of take on, take their business to that next level.

What’s the difference you see in investors that make that decision versus don’t?

Jerry: [00:15:17] Well, you know, um, You know, I, I, I think one of the big things, first of all, you know, I mean, I know we talked about mindset, but I getting, um, understanding what the success really means to you. First of all. Okay. That

Mike: [00:15:38] kind of your why, right?

Like, why are

Jerry: [00:15:39] you applying? Cause you hit on this a little bit too already was, you know, I was jotting this down some and I thought about this and I said, you know, I see a lot of people that have. Um, several people have over a thousand units and they’re miserable. Yeah. Okay. And then I see other people [00:16:00] that might be an area maybe in there in the Bay area, and they’re flipping several properties a year and making a killing on those.

And they’re very satisfied and happy with that on that side of things. So I think you’ve got to get clear on your definition. Um, what that, you know, what that happiness is on things. Um, but I, I think that, you know, really, um, I was jotting this down and I was thinking back over, over the years and you know, this is my 26th year of doing the business.

Okay. And I can tell you, Mike, one of the. If I can narrow it down to one of the most cute things in my business is, um, being very focused on things. Okay. So not being in a position where you’re changing direction constantly all the time. Okay. Okay. And then I see [00:17:00] that. That I just, I have seen that with so many students and people that I’ve worked with the 26 years and including myself is every time we’re changing directions.

Like I, you know, I, I we’ve done the rehabs. I’ve done commercial side. Right. I’ve done multifamily. Um, yeah, I set up an investment fund. I’ve done all these different things. Okay. And then I go all these different directions. Okay. The thing is. The more focused, you can become the more niche, you know, as they say, the more niche you become rich.

Okay. And that is something that I think is extremely important. And it took me many years getting kicked around to realize that, but I started, I went, this is kind of going back and doing almost like a drainer and driver. Back in years ago, but I realized that every time that I had the major successes in my business [00:18:00] or any area of my life is when I was very lazy.

Mike: [00:18:03] Yep. I agree with that. I get shiny object syndrome too. And I will say from an investment standpoint, like I, you know, for gosh, 11 years we did nothing. Uh, besides single family, didn’t try to get creative on stuff, create a fancy, I have some regrets about using creative finance, uh, not using it more because I see the value in it now, but you know, I do more multifamily and other things now, but for sure, there’s a lot of people that I know that single family guy, next thing you talked to them.

Oh, they’re all in on Airbnbs. And like people just switch all the time and you know, part of it is it’s probably worse than ever now because with social media, you can, you can. You can see what everybody’s doing. Like those shiny objects are dangled, you know, in your face a lot more, right?

Jerry: [00:18:47] Yeah. It’s whatever looks sexy that week.

Mike: [00:18:49] Yeah. Yeah. I could tell people like, Hey, just get good at one thing first. And then, and you know, truthfully, that’s, that’s the benefit of having a team and having somebody else that’s running a lot [00:19:00] of your business. It gives you the time to strategically focus on other things, right. That might make sense.

Jerry: [00:19:06] That’s that’s the beauty of that is I think that people have to realize that it is ultimately, you know, I’m in here. I mean, here’s the, here’s the big thing too, Mike. I see that look, I think it’s great to have rental properties, you know, I have ’em and. You know, I’ve sold some over the last couple of years, I’ve sold several multifamily buildings and, uh, but one of the big things, I think people that get this thing in their head that, well, I don’t want to come constantly go out there and be grinding and finding new deals to sell and things like that.

And I mean, think about it. Other businesses that are global on the international level. Okay, that are outside of real estate and they scale and they operate and they have teams. They have, uh, uh, processes tied into overall systems, operating systems [00:20:00] and, you know, and that creates a cash flow for the owners or the shareholders, you know, and the so forth of the business.

You can do the same thing with real estate. Okay. It doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy a bunch of rental properties, so nothing wrong with that, but I, people have to understand, you can build a cashflow business out of buying, selling wholesaling, or whatever you want to do with the business. You just have to remember that you’ve got to start treating it as a business and not treating it as something you’re just doing on the side.

Or is this a hobby? If. It people, I think real estate more than anything else, people get so personal with it more than other businesses out there.

Mike: [00:20:45] Yeah, you’re right. You’re right. Yeah, for sure. Part of it is because they’re doing everything. So you just get so ingrained and like, it starts to become your personal identity is this is what I do, right?

Jerry: [00:20:55] Yeah. A hundred percent.

Mike: [00:20:57] Yeah. Yeah.

Jerry: [00:20:58] All the time [00:21:00] Mike and I go, Oh, what did you buy that? I only know what product

Mike: [00:21:04] yeah. Guilty about it. Like a few years ago, I started to kind of say kind of publicly, like I’m, I’m, I’m kinda over the transactional nature of the business and. I don’t really, I used to take a lot of good, a lot of pride and like beautiful rehabs.

And I like it is that we write, but it’s like, I just. For me, it’s just a, it’s it’s selling a widget. Um, at the end of the day, it’s not, I’m not in it because it’s real estate anymore, but real I’m in it because real estate provides the biggest opportunities to make money. Like if I could make 30 grand selling a taco, I would do that too.

But I mean, That’s not an option.

Jerry: [00:21:39] How do we sell a hundred of those a day?

Mike: [00:21:42] So maybe you could talk a little bit about, uh, we had a question like who who’s kind of your first hire. I know that’s a common question. It depends on a lot of things. Maybe share your thoughts on when you’re growing your team. How do you figure out, you know, who the first hire to

Jerry: [00:21:55] is.

I think, uh, to me, uh, and I’ve, [00:22:00] I’ve looked at this numerous times, Mike, and then, you know, I, I work with a lot of people on, on coaching and things like that. And one of the first things I have, 99% of all my students do is they bring in assistant in. Yeah. Okay. And one of the biggest things, typically that assistant plays a couple different the roles within the overall company and what I eat, you know, as I look I’m, I’m big a believer, looking at things on the way of an accountability chart.

And I think, you know that, and, uh, we were we’re in a position where they typically see as somebody coming in or they’re more of an assistant role and also involved in like transaction coordinating. That type of role. So they’re sharing all that because that’s where most people, um, spend a tremendous amount of time.

And here’s one of the thing, Mike, that, and I’ve had a hit on this real happy with a lot of people I work with is [00:23:00] w and I, a lot of people don’t really understand the power of having a true assistant. And I know you do on things, but literally I have a point where I, you know, within the system. And this is just a perfect example.

Several weeks ago, I had one of my vehicles that we were, um, we were, yeah, actually I was giving it away to my brother. I’m like my brother and, and it was a company vehicle and I had to get a title to them vehicle. The reason we never, we didn’t have the original title here. And. So they came in the office said, Hey, Jerry, you got to go get this title.

It’s gotta be you. And I, here’s what I started doing on stuff like that. Mike is absolutely refusing to do things like that. Not because I’m too good for it or anything like that. It’s because I determined that I was not doing the type of things anymore. And I said, figure it [00:24:00] out. I’m not doing that. Okay.

You guys have figured out, not me. Just you’re the line and all that type of stuff I set in place. It has really changed my business in my time, like doing that type of thing because otherwise. It, you know how it goes. Um, what happens is one thing leads into another and we start reverse management of things.

Mike: [00:24:27] Yeah. Yeah. There was a time where I had to say to my team, I was like, I just felt like everything is coming through me. The truth is, is I’m part of the problem. Like, I want to like, like you said, I’m a perfectionist. So I’m like, I kind of want to have my stamp on it, you know, but I’m like stuck in these things.

And I just got to a point where I was like, look, guys don’t ever bring me a problem. You bring me a solution. Like, if you have a problem, figure it out. And if you have a problem that you can’t figure out, like, come bring me couple of solutions that you think we should take and I’ll approve it. But like, I can’t solve everybody’s problems anymore.

And I know why we [00:25:00] created that, but just that powerful thing. Maybe some of you guys listening to just go to your team and say, look. If you ever have a problem, like you can’t tell me about the problem, unless you suggest a solution as well. It’ll change. Every people just like, ah, I was going to talk about something, but I figured it out.

It’s like, awesome. That’s what I wanted you to do.

Jerry: [00:25:16] Ultimately, Mike is get to the point where you can answer as many questions from your team with a yes or no.

Mike: [00:25:23] Yeah. Okay. Yup.

Jerry: [00:25:26] That’s the power there. The more you can get to that, in fact, a great book on that. It’s called turn the ship around. Okay. And a Naval captain took a kind of dysfunctional, you know, um, ship like that and turn the things around.

And that was his goal that couldn’t come to him with anything, but a yes or a no type question.

Mike: [00:25:48] Hmm. Yeah. That’s awesome. So, Jerry, what do you, um, Maybe you could give a little thought here, something a little outside of the box, but you’ve been around for a long time. I think a lot of people are questioning this market.

[00:26:00] Right. So weird market. Um, you know, we’ve had weird markets before and this is unlike any of them, but I think, you know, the retail markets are still pretty strong. You’re probably seeing that too, right. Is, um, there’s just a lot less inventory, so

Jerry: [00:26:12] yeah. Yeah. I mean, that’s a big thing there buddy is I think we’ve seen a lot of inventory.

You know, be very shrunken down. So it’s causing the opposite of the demand to be way up.

Mike: [00:26:24] Right. Right. But where do you think this market is going? Maybe give some folks that are listening to hear your guidance of 20, over 25 years in the business of, and maybe you don’t know where it’s gone, but the mindset of like how to not let fear of going into unknown territory, hold you back.

Jerry: [00:26:42] Yeah, well, first of all, I’m super excited. So I think there’s a lot of opportunity right now. I think that, I mean, we have to realize too the reality of things too. I mean, we’re seeing, um, you know, historically. You know, [00:27:00] a repeat of things to here where, you know, we’re printing money. Okay. We’re in the position where interest rates are zero, you know, I mean, all these things are, come in play.

So we know back, go back time and history on things. So we know that we’re repeating a lot of this. Um, and I just think that, um, You know, obviously I think we’re way, way early on things right now, Mike. Um, but I definitely feel that, I mean, the reality is, I don’t know what the what’s the, I know whether the employment numbers show up and that 10, 12 million range, something like that.

Mike: [00:27:42] So I dunno, it seems, I don’t know what it is, but

Jerry: [00:27:46] maybe a attire.

So I think that’s, that was the percentage, I guess. Yeah. It’s even higher than that. But with what’s I guess what I look at on things is look [00:28:00] right now. I think a lot of stuff is very, uh, You know, propped up by obviously our government on things. Okay. And that, I think that, um, you know, the thing is, is there’s still a huge demand right now of property.

And I think you should be running with that 100% on things. I think the big thing that you just gotta be smart about this, you don’t get into overleveraging things, you know? I mean, I can tell you Mike, back in 2008 and that realm of things that, um, there was, there was some groups of properties that I had that I took some hits on because I was pretty heavy leveraged on some of those.

Mike: [00:28:48] Yeah.

Jerry: [00:28:49] Okay. And, but, um, the thing is, is what’s interesting too, on that Mike too, is that probably 90% of the [00:29:00] people that I was associated with back then did not make it through that cycle because they we’re over leveraged and very heavy on things. And just w it doesn’t, you know, it doesn’t make sense. And they always kind of got on me.

Because I wasn’t. Why aren’t you holding everything? You know? Um, so I just, I think it comes down to the point. Yeah. Being in the position where I’m always been a big believer. Um, and you know, obviously I do believe in holding properties too, but also I’m a big believer in too is creating that fast nickel over that slow, slow dime.


Mike: [00:29:40] It’s interesting. Cause I’ve been thinking about, you know, what, I can look back at 2008 and nine brilliant kind of Oh eight to 2011 or 12 in my market here in the Dallas Fort worth market, which historically hasn’t had a lot of appreciation. That’s kind of. 3% a year kind of rolling along, you know, but it’s been very different for the past, like five or six years, [00:30:00] for sure.

You’re like massive appreciation. And when I look back now, it’s like 2008, nine, 10, 11, 12. Like we could have literally probably bought everything. I don’t even buy on the MLS, but we could have, you know, um, at that, during that period, we’re buying 55, 60 cents on the dollar in Dallas, which is impossible to do these days.

But, um, you could have literally gone and paid retail price for everything. Let’s say under 125,000 and now eight, 10 years later, you would have looked like a freaking genius. Like literally bought a hundred houses a day at the only anything under one 25, let’s say. And you would have looked like a genius.

And so now at the time, nobody thought that I didn’t think that, but it’s hard to not look back a little bit now and say, well, will I be saying that 10 years from now back in 2020, you could have done, like, you don’t know, there’s always this like a risk of the unknown, right?

Jerry: [00:30:54] Yeah, a hundred percent. I think, you know, look, anybody that’s on here, [00:31:00] listening are going to be, uh, you know, this later, uh, whatever you do to not stop moving forward in the business right now, anything, you know, um, Keep keep driving.

I mean, that’s what we’re doing. We’re, we’re continuing to drive or we’re investing more in the marketing. Uh, we’re continuing to grow that side of things. We’re hiring more people. Um, and we’re continuing to expand. So we’re not slowing that down. Uh, whatsoever on that, but we are cautious in regards to, in our thought process is to making sure that we’re not getting into things that one very high end rehabs, we don’t do those anymore, or being very smart about not over leveraging on properties, even properties that we buy on creative financing.

We’re not donating things with, uh, not, you know, Lisa in a position where there’s enough equity that. If we took it down, if we, if we were in a position where [00:32:00] we had to refinance it to pay it off, we could do it. Yup.

Mike: [00:32:04] Yeah. Good, good. Well, Jerry, you help a lot of people scale their business. Definitely appreciate you spending time with us today.

Jerry: [00:32:10] Oh, yeah, no problem. I’m

Mike: [00:32:12] glad to hear, I want to add this and I can say this about everybody on here. I want to say about you for sure. Is that like what differentiates people that are successful versus not was one of the, one of the questions we talked about a little bit is those that are givers. Like those that give a lot, they get a lot in return and they don’t necessarily give to get, but that is the law of reciprocity that ends up happening.

So, and you’ve been a huge giver. So appreciate that. My friend.

Jerry: [00:32:37] Yeah, absolutely. I just, I had jotted down on that last question you have there. Let me share this real quick.

Mike: [00:32:43] Go ahead.

Jerry: [00:32:44] I just, you had mentioned in there, what’s the biggest piece of advice. You can give people and, um, in regards to, you know, um, you know, really help people and their freedom and then just really achieve their dreams and goals.

And [00:33:00] here’s, here’s some simple little things that I think are huge that a set of people being at point saying, Oh man, I gotta do all this. I want you to just think about some little things you can do daily. And these are some things daily that I believe are very strong. Number one, start your day with meditation.

Okay. I think that’s extremely powerful. Another thing too is learn the word. No. Okay. And, uh, another thing I look at is learn how to compress your time through others, through processes, in staying focused. Okay. And my last thing, which you just brought up, it’s pretty cool. Is be about giving to others.

Yeah. That’s awesome.

Mike: [00:33:47] Awesome. Awesome. Well, Jerry, how do folks, if they want, I’ll reach out to you. I know you’ve been sharing a lot of content, creating a lot of content. Where do they go to

Jerry: [00:33:53] learn more? Uh, number one, they can go right on Facebook and, uh, pretty well. I think I only [00:34:00] got a few shots friend request they’re open, but just go to my business page, Jerry Green and, uh, like it there also, you can follow me on Instagram.

Uh, the Jerry Green. And also my website, the Jerry green.com.

Mike: [00:34:15] There you go. Awesome buddy. Well, Hey, thanks so much for attending time with us today from

Jerry: [00:34:19] budding

Mike: [00:34:20] a bunch. We’ll see you again soon. Okay.

Jerry: [00:34:22] All right, man. All right. Talk to you later, Mike.

Mike: [00:34:23] Bye bye. Hey, I hope you enjoyed our freedom series, which includes.

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