Today’s REI Classroom Lesson

In the classroom today, Tom Olson talks about the questions you need to answer in order to reach your goals.

REI Classroom Summary

Knowing why you want to achieve the goal, how you can make it happen, and by setting a deadline for your goals are just part of the ways to obtain your goals.

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Real Estate Investing Classroom Show Transcripts:

Announcer: Welcome back to the REI Classroom, where experts from across the real estate investing industry teach you quick lessons to take you business to the next level. And now let’s meet today’s expert host.
Tom: This is Tom Olson of Good Success and today I’ve been asked to be the host of REI Classroom. Today we are going to talk about the best way to reach your goals.
Announcer: This REI Classroom real estate lesson is sponsored by
Tom: This is something that I found over the years and this has helped me so much. I hope it’s a blessing to you today and I hope there’s some way that something that I say today will resonate and help you today. So it’s very simple and I know sometimes we make things so complicated, but for me for goal setting and for reaching them and knowing what to do and how to do and all the stuff, everybody just gets confused and they think, “Oh man, I’ve got so much to do.”
But if you boil it down, it really just boils down to where, what, why, how, and when. If you can get those five steps down, where, what, why, how, and when, you can reach any goal you’ve ever set for us. So the first thing is where. What I mean when I say where is where am I at today? In order to reach a goal, in order to go somewhere, you’ve got to find out where I’m at now. I’m in the Chicago land area. If I want to go to Dallas, Texas, I’ve got to know where I’m at now and where I want to go.
So that leads me to my next point – what. So what exactly is it that you want? So if I’m in Chicago and I want to go to Dallas, Texas, I got to know what that is that’s my goal. So be very specific in your goals. What do I want to accomplish? I think a lot of people struggle with that first step, that where because it’s so hard to be honest with ourselves sometimes and to know where am I at right now today.
The next thing I think people do get the what. I think a lot of people know what they want. It’s pretty easy to want stuff. What do I want is the next step.
And then the next step that I always put in play here is why. I have a statement, I don’t know where I heard it from or if I read it or what, but the statement I say a lot to my team and other people I come across is if your why is big enough, your what will take care of itself. I believe that having that why, why do I want to go to Dallas? If I’m in Chicago and I want to go to Dallas, why? It’s such an important thing.
If I have a goal and I want to make a million dollars this year, why do I want to make a million dollars? If I just want to make a million dollars to make a million dollars, I’m probably not going to hit it. But if I have a reason and a purpose, more than likely I’ll reach that goal.
So again, I’ve considered where am I at now, what do I want to do or what do I want to accomplish, what is my goal, and why. I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing your why in life, knowing your why for every goal that you want to attain. It’s so important in my opinion. It’s the middle and it’s the most important part of the whole process is the why.
The next one is simply how and it’s really putting a plan together. Some people, they can actually be honest with themselves and they can figure out where I am now. Some people can have that goal and some people can actually have the why, but if you never make a plan you’re never going to succeed. You’re never going to actually go to Dallas unless I say, “This is my plan. This is my map.”
So how am I going to get from Chicago to Dallas? I’m creating that map and I’m creating the how. How am I going to get there? How am I going to make a million dollars this year and this is my plan and my map to get there. And finally is just when. You can do all these first four and if you don’t get the five, you don’t get that fifth one done, you’ll never get to your goal.
If you figure out where you are now, if you figure out where you want to go, if you figure out why you want to go there, those are all great things and how you’re going to go there, but you don’t ever say, “I’m going to this today, I’m going to do this tomorrow,” or, “I’m going to do this in two months from now,” you’ll never achieve it. It just happens naturally. I don’t know, it’s just God’s laws. But you’ve got to give yourself a deadline.
Then I think the next part of that is on the when is what can I do today to get closer to my goal? I think, again, if you’ll get these five steps down, you can achieve anything you want in life, gain all the success you want, but you’ve got to have these steps in place. If you skip these steps, you might still reach goals. You might still do things that are good in life. But I think this is the complete goal setting and goal completion outline that I think is used.
I’ve worked this with my team, with myself, with my family even in my personal life and it just works so well. I hope it helps you today. Thank you so much for being a part of today’s show with REI Classroom. Have a wonderful day.
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