Flip Tip Summary

You’ve heard before to do what you love…what you’re passionate about. Despite the fact that life often takes many wild and unexpected turns, it has a way of almost always working out if you’re doing what you enjoy. Nathan Roach of MassVenture joins us on this episode of the FlipNerd.com Expert Tip show to share more.

Flip Tip Transcript:

Mike: Hey, it’s Mike Hambright from FlipNerd.com. We have a quick expert tip to share with you from Nathan Roach of Mass Venture. He’s going to share some advice on why it’s important to do what you’re passionate about.

This expert tip is sponsored by B2R Finance, VirtualStaffNow.com and AceBusinessFunding.com.

Nathan: Sure, absolutely. I’ve been a lawyer, I’ve been a programmer and now I run a crowdfunding company. And a lot of the time, people ask me, “What’s the most important thing I can do to make my project successful in raising funds on Mass Venture?” And I think it’s the same advice that I would give somebody about life in general, which is to be passionate about what you do. Because then, that excitement shows through.

And so if you can tell people why you got started in real estate, what excites you about it and what it is that you’re building, people are naturally going to understand that and it’s going to make your project fund much faster and anything you do be more successful.

Mike: Please note the views and opinions expressed by the individuals in this program do not necessarily reflect those of FlipNerd.com or any of its partners, advertisers or affiliates. Please consult professionals before making any investment or tax decisions, as real estate investing can be risky.



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